5 These Foods Can Make Dehydration - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

5 These Foods Can Make Dehydration

Dehydration is a body condition that lacks fluid. Many things can cause dehydration, the most important is the consumption of too little fluid. In addition, some foods may also increase the risk of dehydration. What are the foods?

1. Asparagus

Asparagus contains aspargin, one type of amino acid, which has diuretic properties. Diuretics are substances that increase the formation of urine, so urination will be more frequent or more. If the release of fluid from the body is not balanced with adequate fluid intake, then it may arise dehydration.

2. Desserts

Generally, desserts contain high sugar. Sugar causes the body's environment to become relatively acidic, thus disrupting the function of the body's enzymes as well as the kidneys. Sugar "sucks" body fluids and causes the body organs are difficult to process fluids in the body.

Therefore, do not forget to drink plenty of water while eating sweet foods. Also avoid sweet drinks to relieve thirst. In addition to increasing the risk of dehydration, sugar is also associated with the onset of diabetes.

3. Spices

A variety of cooking spices are used to make the taste of food more delicious. Some things to note include salt, soy sauce, block broth, flavor enhancer, and so on. Generally, these spices contain high salt. Salt is attractive water, so the body easily dehydrated when food foods high in salt. Therefore, you should use spices only when cooking. Let the original flavors of the ingredients become delicious dishes, not necessarily "masked" with excess flavor.

4. Snack in the cinema

Popcorn and sago sweet drinks often become a classic snack while watching movies in the cinema. In general, popcorn contains high salt. Meanwhile, soft drinks contain lots of sugar. As mentioned earlier, salt and sugar may increase the risk of dehydration.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol can also be found in foods, eg on cakes or vla for pudding. Alcohol has diuretic properties, so you can often urinate after taking them. As a result, the body fluid over growing and susceptible to dehydration.

So, there are some foods that can make you dehydrated. To prevent it, you can keep up with a lot of fluid consumption. If left unchecked, the condition of dehydration can be severe and cause headaches, kidney failure, and others.