October 2017 - The Ceilings

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

This is the Benefits of Drinking Coffee Before Sports

October 31, 2017
This is the Benefits of Drinking Coffee Before Sports

When consumed with the right amount, coffee touted can prevent diseases such as heart disease and stroke, help overcome migraines, and make the body more energetic.

Not only that, coffee seems also good for health if consumed before the sport. Many people get used to drinking coffee before exercise on the grounds to get more stamina.

In addition to the benefits of all that, there are other benefits that you will get if you drink coffee before the sport in between:

  • Reduces muscle pain
Caffeine in the coffee works affect the part of the brain that regulates pain so it can reduce the sensation of pain that is felt during exercise. Caffeine can reduce muscle soreness by up to 50%.

This is why sports health experts recommend athletes or sports fans to drink coffee than drinking other energy drinks before the sport.

  • Increase endurance
Drinking coffee can help improve endurance so do not get tired when sporting. Drinking coffee allows you to exercise longer than usual.

  • Burn more calories
Actually these benefits are related to the benefits of other coffees. When you drink coffee before exercise, you will not get tired easily and less often have muscle pain, so it can exercise longer. Thus, the calories burned will be more.

In order to get maximum results avoid the addition of cream, milk, or sugar into the coffee cup. In addition, you are still required to drink water after exercise to prevent dehydration.

Apparently drinking coffee before exercise has many benefits for the body. However, we recommend doing that one hour before. The reason, caffeine will be absorbed rapidly by the body about 30-45 minutes after consumption and levels will reach the peak within one hour.

source: klikdokter

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5 Quick Ways to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

October 31, 2017
5 Quick Ways to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

Tomorrow there's an important event in the office, a party that's been waiting for, or even a date with a boyfriend, but today suddenly there is a red pimple pimp appearing on the face. Imagining appearing on the show the next day with a red dot on a face that attracts attention, it feels ashamed first. Taking antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and erythromycin may reduce redness, but it will take days to see the results, while your event is tomorrow! Is there a way to get rid of acne overnight only?

Why are acne red?

Redness on acne is not a wound. It is a form of inflammation. Redness in acne begins when excess sebum passes through the follicle wall. In the pores, sebum mixes with dead skin cells, causing blockage of the pores. This allows the bacteria of populated acne and free radicals to damage the tissues that cause inflammation and redness.

If the infection does not develop, the redness will disappear by itself. However, if this red color does not change after a year, chances are it's acne scars.

How to get rid of acne overnight?

There are two important things you need to know before we go on to how to get rid of redness on acne overnight.

  • The first, redness caused by the effects of inflammation. Therefore, the treatment you use should deal with this inflammatory problem.
  • Secondly, you need to make sure the acne is cured quickly. This will reduce the redness of acne quickly.

There are some natural treatments that are effective and simple so you can practice at home to rapidly reduce redness on acne.

Method 1: ice cubes
How to get rid of blushing pimples, the fastest is with ice. Use a cloth to hold some new ice and place it on the infected face. Let stand for a few minutes. Repeat until redness decreases. Make sure you do not press too tight, because it can hurt the acne and cause the bacteria to attack the part.

Method 2: eye drops
Eyedrops such as Visine contain tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride which can help remove redness on acne quickly. Put cotton wetted with eye drops in the freezer. Leave it overnight. The next morning, put the cotton on top of the pimple for a few minutes. When eye drops are absorbed into the skin, there will be a temporary narrowing of the blood vessels. This will make the redness of acne less. If redness does not recur, repeat the same thing.

Method 3: aspirin
Aspirin is not just for treating headaches. Aspirin contains salicylic acid which can reduce inflammation by peeling the skin and redness through the narrowing of blood vessels. To cope with redness in acne in a short time, split aspirin into half. Add water. Then apply on the acne. Use plaster to protect it. Leave on for 30 minutes.

Method 4: toothpaste without mint, without flouride
Toothpaste is one of the medicines often mentioned in overcoming redness on acne. This works because the toothpaste contains silica, which helps dry out acne. However, you should not use toothpaste containing menthol or flouride. This material not only irritates the skin but also causes more acne.

Method 5: makeup
You can also use makeup to hide redness. Currently there are many cosmetics available that are not greasy and non-blackheads. Choose cosmetics made from minerals that use silica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide because these materials do not irritate the skin. It also effectively removes oil from the skin and covers redness.

When you use concealer to disguise redness, use a green because it contrasts with the red color on the acne, making it look vague. Sprinkle powder after using concealer to match your skin color. This will also prevent the smear of makeup.

Although redness on acne can interfere with your appearance, but it is not as bad as the wounds left after acne. Keep in mind, how to get rid of acne in this flash will not minimize the risk of acne scar formation. You need to treat your acne as early as possible to prevent the occurrence of injuries.

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Know the Post Baby Bumps, Stomach Bloated After Childbirth

October 31, 2017
Know the Post Baby Bumps, Stomach Bloated After Childbirth

After going through labor, seeing the baby was born with a healthy condition would be a precious moment. However, the happiness is often disturbed when a woman realizes that there is still a distended stomach that makes her look like she is still pregnant, and interfere with the beauty of her body.

In the medical world, belly fat after giving birth is called post baby bumps. This is a very common condition occurring normally, due to body changes during pregnancy.

When pregnant, the uterus (the uterus) will widen to follow the growth of the fetus. Muscles, fat, and skin in the abdominal area will also enlarge to facilitate the enlargement of the uterus. The cells in the body will also tend to retain fluids and fats as energy reserves.

After delivery, the body does not return directly to pre-pregnancy conditions. The uterus will contract so that its size will shrink, and return to its original size after 4 weeks after delivery.

Meanwhile, the fat in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, it takes several weeks to months to really get back to its original state. This is what causes some women have a distended bloated stomach after giving birth.

The size of the belly after pregnancy varies, and the time it takes to return to the previous size varies. Some of the factors that affect it are infant weight, weight gain during pregnancy, and physical activity during pregnancy.

How to handle it?

Belly stomach after childbirth will shrink over time, although sometimes it will not really return like the condition before pregnancy. Some actions that can be done to help overcome these conditions are:

  • Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can help burn calories up to 500 kcal per day. By feeding regularly and regularly, bloated stomach after birth can be overcome.

  • Sports
Routine physical activity, ranging from mild intensity such as casual walking, running, and other aerobic activities can help shrink the belly after childbirth.

Exercise that can specifically tighten the stomach is sit ups and plank. Do not forget to consult a doctor or midwife to make sure that you are fully prepared for this movement.

  • Balanced nutritious food
You can consume 3-5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day. Do not forget to apply a healthy lifestyle every day.

Post baby bumps or bloated belly after childbirth is a common thing that women experience. You do not have to feel inferior and discouraged. With physical activity and a good diet, you can easily overcome this condition. Remember, the most important thing is you and your baby are in good health.

source: klikdokter

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Friday, October 27, 2017

The Secrets Of Youth And Healthy Skin Care, What You Need To Know

October 27, 2017
The Secrets Of Youth And Healthy Skin Care, What You Need To Know

Not a few number of women who crave skin smooth, soft, tight, glowing, and certainly healthy for many years. But is that possible? May be. Get skin care secrets and step into healthy youthful skin here.

Although it is recommended to start early in adolescence, doing skin care can be started anytime and whatever your current age. As with any body health, a message to prevent better than cure also applies to your skin. Another goal of caring for the skin that also needs to be remembered is to delay the natural process of normal skin aging and start treatment as soon as possible.

So it's never too late if you have never really taken care of your skin before or do not have much time to do intensive skin care. Here are the easy steps you may already know or realize and how great the benefits for the health and beauty of the skin.

  • Avoid Sun Exposure and Use Sunscreen
Given that we live in tropical regions vulnerable to direct sunlight and strong enough, protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation from the sun is one of the key to avoiding wrinkles.

Too much exposure to direct sunlight can also cause the skin to lose its moisture, experience inflammation, the appearance of black spots and other serious skin disorders, such as skin cancer. Use sunscreen every two hours if you plan to stay outdoors longer, especially between ten in the morning until two o'clock. You can choose a sunscreen lotion with SPF 24. This is to protect the skin from ultraviolet A and B radiation every time. Also wear long-sleeved clothes but comfortable, and hat for more comprehensive protection.

  • Keeping the Skin Moisturized
Bathing every day can remove fat from the skin and make the skin dry, especially if you like to shower using hot water or soak for too long. In addition to bathing, the use of soap is too hard, medical conditions are owned, and of course the aging factor can also make the skin dry. Overcoming dry skin by keeping moisture in the skin can be done by avoiding irritant soap, avoid bathing habits with hot water or bathing too long, pat and instead of rubbing the body with a towel after bathing, and use a moisturizer for dry skin.

Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and try to keep the moisturizer containing SPF. Moisturizer for dry skin containing SPF is meant for moisturizer can be used every day, especially when you are outdoors exposed to sunlight. To overcome dry skin, you can choose a moisturizer that has petroleum jelly, because this content is able to lock moisture in the skin. Apply any moisturizer after bathing or washing hands and feet, when the skin is still damp.

  • Stop Smoking and Choose High Nutritious Foods
Not only bad for skin health, smoking is also bad for your body's health. But you must already know this. What you probably do not know is that smoking can damage collagen and a fiber whose function provides elasticity and strength to the skin called elastin. Smoking can also reduce the flow of blood to the skin so the skin is deprived of nutrients and oxygen. This is why smoking makes your skin look dull, old and wrinkled. You do not want this to happen, do you?

Let's start reducing junk food or fast food and start eating foods that contain omega-3s, unsaturated fats, and antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E. Get these nutrients in carrots, mangoes, spinach, tomato juice, oranges, grapes , papaya, broccoli, cabbage, fish, eggs, avocados, and nuts. The good news is that these foods can also reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. No less important, multiply drinking water to maintain body hydration and skin moisture. So what are you waiting for, immediately begin to refine your food menu for healthy and ideal skin and body. You can see a nutritionist to find out what foods are suitable and appropriate to consume according to the condition of your body.

  • Stay Active and Manage Stress
Fixing the diet and diet can be in vain if you are not actively exercising. Changing lifestyle including making sure the body gets enough rest and sleep time turned out to have a positive impact on the skin. Exercise improves the circulation and flow of nutrients for the skin, while sleep optimizes the growth hormone that triggers cell turnover and collagen production.

  • Stay Active and Manage Stress
Fixing the diet and diet can be in vain if you are not actively exercising. Changing lifestyle including making sure the body gets enough rest and sleep time turned out to have a positive impact on the skin. Exercise improves the circulation and flow of nutrients for the skin, while sleep optimizes the growth hormone that triggers cell turnover and collagen production.

Sleep also reduces the release of stress hormones that can aggravate the condition of your skin. Managing stress makes healthy skin and mind healthy. Managing stress can also reduce your risk of developing diseases related to mental health disorders, such as depression. Reconsider your priorities and goals and insert the time to do a hobby or something you really enjoy.

As your skin care process begins, you may come across some nice skinned people who make you feel hopeless to have healthy and youthful skin. Do not be discouraged and do not give up. Some people do have nice skins that are passed on from both parents or their families. But you do not have to worry about this genetic factor, because everyone's skin is different. You can still obtain or maintain a healthy skin if starting skin care as soon as possible. Regular exercise, hours and good sleep quality, healthy intake, avoid cigarettes and excessive sun exposure, and of course using a suitable skin moisturizer and according to your needs are simple things that can be used as a secret skin care and healthy youth.

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It's How To Eliminate Fat In The Neck

October 27, 2017
It's How To Eliminate Fat In The Neck

For most women, the fatty creases in the neck interfere with appearance. No wonder, various ways to get rid of fat in the neck willing to make fatty creases in the neck is no longer visible.

Instead of doing things that are not necessarily effective, you'll want to find a way to get rid of fat in the neck that proved to give satisfactory results.

Do not Believe the Unproven Way

Lots of information circulating about how to remove fat in the neck. Stretching the neck, pursing lips, stretching the tongue, to chew gum allegedly able to overcome the fat folds in the neck that was disturbing. However, you know, these ways actually have not been proven effective in overcoming fat folds in the neck.

In people who are overweight, neck folds are likely due to the effects of weight gain. For this condition, the best way to remove fatty creases in the neck in this case is to lose weight and be more active in the move.

To lose weight, it is recommended that a healthy diet. Among others, by reducing sugar consumption, restrict carbohydrates, eat foods containing protein and low fat, as well as increase the consumption of fibrous foods.

In order to lose weight more effectively, it is advisable to routine light exercise such as walking fast, jogging, dancing or swimming for at least 30 minutes every day. By doing this, the fat folds in the neck can be resolved.

Medical Actions that Can Be Done

Weight loss by running a healthy diet and regular exercise can be a way of removing fat in the neck. However, there are also some people who have fat folds in the neck due to genetic factors. Under these conditions, weight loss alone may not have a major effect on fatty fold problems in the neck, and should be considered to address them through medical measures.

Medical action can be done as a way to remove fat in the neck, among others:

  • External ultrasonic wave therapy
This external ultrasonic therapy includes non-surgical action that is considered to be an alternative way of removing fat in the neck. The doctor will inject certain liquids around the folds of fat in the neck. Then the ultrasonic wave is externally exposed to the area of the fat folds in order to destroy the excess fat cells. However, the effectiveness of this therapy is different for everyone because it depends on the amount of fat present in the neck.

  • Injection of deoxicolic acid
Injecting deoxicolic acid into one way to remove fat in the neck. The content of deoxicolic acid injected around the neck is able to shed fat in the neck, as long as it is done in the right way. To remove the fatty creases in the neck, at least need 20 points injection in each treatment. On average it takes up to 6 treatments at a distance of 1 month for each treatment. Side effects of this injection include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, until the skin becomes flushed.

  • Liposuction
The doctor will make a small incision under the skin around the neck or chin area, but beforehand will provide local anesthesia to avoid pain. Then the doctor will insert a fat-absorber. Liposuction includes surgical procedures that need to be consulted by a physician and should be performed by an expert physician. It is important to consult your medicine allergies, and avoid taking alcohol and certain medicines before liposuction. This action may be prohibited for people with heart disease, diabetes, or who have impaired immune systems.

  • Facelift
Facelift aims to improve the look of the face and remove fat in the neck. This action can only be done on people who have good body health, not suffering from diseases such as diabetes or other chronic diseases.

If a healthy diet and exercise diet can not overcome the fatty creases in the neck, consider how to remove the fat in the neck with the above actions. Consult with your doctor about it, especially if you have special health conditions.

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8 Benefits of Grapes Fruit for Health

October 27, 2017
8 Benefits of Grapes Fruit for Health

Green, red, or black. Not only the color is diverse, the benefits of grapes for health are also stored in many.

This sweet and water-rich fruit can be eaten raw or used to make wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, or grape seed oil. Not only that, in the fruit is also stored various nutrients and antioxidants that can help maintain a healthy body.

The many benefits of grapes can not be separated from the services of polyphenols, which are bright color-giving compounds in the fruit. The antioxidant content of polyphenols in fruit grown from 6,000-8,000 years ago gives the body protection from disease and environmental damage, and helps fight free radicals. Here are some benefits of grapes that we can take.

  • Heart and blood vessels
Polyphenols in grapes may be able to help prevent cardiovascular disease, against free radicals, suspected of having anti-inflammatory effects of blood vessel walls, reducing blood pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis, antiplatelet (to prevent platelet buildup), and supporting endothelial function. According to animal experiments, flavonoids in grape are also able to protect the body from damage caused by LDL (bad cholesterol). Fiber and potassium in grapes are also able to maintain heart health.

  • Cancer
The benefits of the next grape is to help slow or prevent various types of cancer, including esophageal lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterine wall), colon, pancreas, and prostate. Of course, that's thanks to the antioxidant content of polyphenols. And according to the National Cancer Institute, the skin of red grapes contain resveratrol type polyphenols that are thought not only useful for heart health but also useful to maintain the formation and spread of cancer.

  • Chronic venous insufficiency
Eating grapefruit extract allegedly can reduce the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency as the legs feel heavy, tired, tense, painful, and tingling. In addition, studies show that eating a particular grape leaf extract is able to decrease a swollen leg after 6 weeks.

  • High blood pressure
According to studies of rats, the benefits of grapes rich in flavonoids are thought to reduce high blood pressure. In addition, grapes are also high in potassium content that helps eliminate the effects of sodium in the body, so high blood pressure can be reduced.

  • Improve memory
Research shows that fruits rich in antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress leading to aging, as well as improve the performance of verbal memory and motor function.

  • Diabetes
A study showed that eating three servings of grape, blueberries, raisins, apples or pear per week could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%. Grapes include fruits that are high in antioxidant content, to be expected to be good for diabetics.

  • Eye
According to research on mice, grapes help protect the retina from damage and disease, such as macular degeneration. if eating this fruit regularly. Eating grapeseed extract is also thought to help reduce stress on the eyes due to seeing too bright light.

  • Slows down aging
The benefits of other grapes are to help prevent degenerative diseases, activate longevity gene, and help cells live longer. All that thanks to the content of resveratrol in grape. In addition, grape also contains polyunsaturated fats, such as essential fatty acids linolenic. This content serves to protect, reduce inflammation, and improve skin sensitivity.

Benefits of low-calorie and almost fat-free grapes is not to be doubted. Therefore, do not hesitate to eat this sweet and nutritious little fruit.

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Alkaline Diet, Healthy Benefits, And How To Do It

October 27, 2017
Alkaline Diet, Healthy Benefits, And How To Do It

The alkaline diet is claimed to help you lose weight, slow aging, and help control chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer. Is it true? Check out the following reviews.

An alkaline diet or acid-base diet is a diet-adjusting method to balance the pH in the body, by consuming more alkaline foods daily. The basic theory of the alkaline diet is that the body is susceptible to disease if eating acidic foods. The alkaline diet theory says that acidic foods such as meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods will trigger the body to produce acid not good for health. In contrast, alkaline or alkaline foods are considered protective, and by emphasizing a diet with an alkaline diet can maintain a healthy body.

How to Perform Alkaline Diet

Alkaline diet is done by setting the recommended diet that is 70% alkaline or alkaline food, and 30% acidic food every day. As for foods that produce bases such as fruits and vegetables, soy and tofu, and some types of nuts, seeds, and peas. While acidic foods include milk, eggs, meat, and processed foods (canned or packaged). In addition, you should also avoid consumption of beverages containing alcohol and caffeine.

Alkaline Diet and Its Relation to Body PH Balance

Our blood needs acid-base balance to work properly. This acid-base balance refers to the mechanism by which the body keeps the fluid close to neutral pH (not acidic and not too alkaline). Acid and base rates are measured on a pH scale ranging from 0 to 14. PH 0 is highly acidic, while pH 14 is very alkaline. The neutral pH is on the pH scale 7. The pH level in some parts of the human body varies greatly.

Blood is slightly alkaline, with a normal pH between 7.35 and 7.45. The stomach is loaded with hydrochloric acid and is very acidic with a pH of 3.5 or lower, which is necessary to digest food. If the acid level in the blood is too high, then this condition is called acidosis. Whereas if too alkaline is called alkalosis. Disorders of blood pH balance can occur if the body has lung and kidney organ disorders, or in severe complications of diabetes such as diabetic ketoacidosis.

The alkaline diet is claimed to help the body to maintain blood pH levels. But in fact, this alkaline diet will not change your blood pH substantially. Because, the body naturally keeps the blood pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. Blood pH levels are unlikely to be affected by diet. However, diet or food menu can indeed change the value of urine pH. But the pH of the urine can not be used as a benchmark for assessing general health conditions or pH levels of a person's body.

However, dietary alkaline diet recommendations do have some health benefits for your body, but this diet will not change the pH levels in the body. Other health benefits of the alkaline diet include:

  • By eating more fruits, vegetables, drinking lots of fluids, and limiting consumption of sugar, processed foods, beverages containing alcohol and caffeine, both to lose weight.
  • Low-acid dietary foods, such as meat and cheese, are thought to help prevent kidney stones, keep bones and muscles strong, improve cardiovascular health and brain function, reduce low back pain, and lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • The alkaline diet emphasizes you to eat fruits and vegetables with high calories, and avoid fast foods that often contain sodium and saturated fats. It is very good for heart health, as it helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol which is a major risk factor for heart disease.
  • Several studies have shown that the alkaline diet can slow down the rate of bone loss, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis with age.

The essence of the alkaline diet is to consume fruits and vegetables that are useful for weight loss and maintain body health. And no special supplements are required to support this alkaline diet.

Some studies have found that alkaline or alkaline environments may make certain chemotherapy medicine more effective or non-toxic. But there is no evidence that an alkaline diet can help prevent cancer. So, for those of you who suffer from cancer, it is advisable to stay in consultation with your doctor and nutritionist related to your nutritional needs before starting any diet.

Some people find it difficult to follow or practice an alkaline diet, the article, will be many of your favorite foods are limited when doing this acid-base diet program. Protein intake was limited to vegetable sources such as beans and tofu. Especially if you're traveling for work and have a busy schedule. Fast food will usually be an emergency option for this kind of condition. However, the best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly for 30 minutes per day. You can support it by eating healthy foods.

For those of you who have certain medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor and nutritionist before going on an alkaline diet.

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The Importance Of Breakfast And Dinner At Diet

October 27, 2017
The Importance Of Breakfast And Dinner At Diet

Who says breakfast and dinner can make you fat? In fact, eating three times a day is healthy. Origin, the food is also healthy.

It's a big mistake if you do not have breakfast for fear of gaining weight. Breakfast actually makes your weight more controllable. The weight of people who like breakfast actually tend to have more controlled weight when compared to those who do not like to eat in the morning.

How come? According to one theory, a healthy breakfast can reduce hunger throughout the day and help us choose another healthy diet as well. For if we did not have breakfast we would have starved. As a result, we eat more while eating lunch and other meals.

Not only able to control weight, a healthy breakfast gives us energy to move throughout the day. Breakfast is also able to improve our concentration and performance, maintain body resistance, and even lower cholesterol levels.

To note, the breakfast should not be swallowed. According to most studies, a healthy breakfast containing protein and / or whole grains contributes to weight loss. Not breakfast with a menu full of fat and calories.

Because the breakfast menu is rich in protein and fiber, we will feel full longer and the appetite can be controlled throughout the day. Do not forget to include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

Besides not wanting breakfast, many people are reluctant to eat dinner so that the scales do not increase or move far to the right. Though dinner is not prohibited, the origin of the size or amount is reduced. The recommended to avoid is 'snacking' or eating again after dinner. Two things that are factors supporting the body weight rise kilos.

If you have dinner but the stomach still busy rumbling, it is advisable to drink calorie-free drinks or eat a pack of candy only. In addition, reducing the temptation of 'snacking' in the middle of the night can also be done by brushing your teeth after dinner. If it had been toothbrush, would be lazy to eat a pack of potato chips, cookies, or ice cream again.

Actually eating three meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - is healthy. In fact, according to initial research, people who eat three times a day have lower levels of fat in the blood. The important thing is to remember the key word, choose a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free or low fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, and eggs.

Do not forget to choose snacks that are low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars. In addition, note also your daily caloric needs according to age and gender.

So, if you want to lose weight, yuk, breakfast, lunch, and a healthy dinner. Do not forget the sport, too.

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Your Body Experiencing These Symptoms, When Watching a Horror Movie

October 27, 2017
Your Body Experiencing These Symptoms, When Watching a Horror Movie

Horror films indeed cause the desire to shout, close your eyes, or want to pee. But it turns out, the body response when you watch a horror movie is not just limited to it.

Here are 5 body phenomena when you watch a horror movie:

1. Heart rhythm increases
Many scenes in horror films that cause a sudden surprise. The most affected is the change in heart rhythm.

Increased heart rhythm due to watching a horror movie is a reaction of the body to respond to fear. Increased heart rhythm with fear is in line with increased respiration (the activity of inserting and expelling air into and from the lungs).

2. Tense muscles
When you feel panic, the muscles become tense. This is because horror films often make the audience in a state of depressed or terrorized.

When you experience it, then the hormone noradrenaline in the body will react. This hormone serves to carry messages throughout the body to prepare for something 'big'.

3. Increased cortisol levels
Watching a horror movie makes the production of cortisol hormone in the body will increase. The most worrying thing about the release of these hormones is the emergence of bad memories in the past. Usually, this is not you realize why it can happen.

4. Eye movements faster
Horror films make your eyes move faster, both from side to side or from top to bottom. The more scenes that make panic, your eyes will move more quickly.

5. Adrenaline increases
Adrenaline is the body's main response to stress or fear. This is the trigger of a fight-or-flight response, a big push that makes you panic and prepare to deal with any situation. This sudden adrenaline makes you full of energy and has a high level of vigilance.

Though scary, horror movies are actually created for mere entertainment. However, if you are not a fan of this type of film, you should avoid to watch it. You do not want to feel the presence of the creature that is in the scary movie, is not it?

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Brain Reactions When You Help Others

October 27, 2017
Brain Reactions When You Help Others

As social beings, help in daily life is a must for human beings. But do you know, the brain has a different response to what is done everyday, including when you do good?

In fact, in the same activity, for example in giving some money to others, the female brain more positive response than the male brain. This is what makes researchers think women are more likely to help while men are called more selfish.

Nevertheless, researchers are not sure the exact cause of the different brain responses. They do research and make dopamine as the main focus of the study.

Dopamine is a chemical substance that exists in the brain that has an important role in the brain and the body as a whole. Dopamine plays a role in the reward system of the brain including in giving response and the value of your good deeds.

The study was conducted by a neuroeconomic professor and social neuroscience at the University of Zurich, Philippe Tobler. Quoting CNN, Tobler and some colleagues tested how dopamine can affect male and female behavior.

The researcher collected 56 female and male participants, then gave them the option to share some money or choose to keep it themselves. As a result, it appears that women are more likely to have generosity and choose to share their money with others.

But in subsequent trials, researchers tried to 'disrupt' dopamine from both men and women, by giving certain medicines. The result is quite surprising, because when dopamine is disturbed, women actually show more selfish attitude while the man turns to be more generous.

So from the results of these studies concluded that the brain's reaction and behavior in helping others are influenced by many dopamine hormones. In women, dopamine hormones work more actively during social activities.

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Why Are Millennial Generations Easy to Technology Addiction?

October 27, 2017
Why Are Millennial Generations Easy to Technology Addiction?

Millenial generation or Y generation are those born in 1980 - 2000. Millennial itself is considered special because this generation is very different from the previous generation, especially in matters relating to technology. This generation was born when the internet, cable TV and gateway has been growing rapidly.

Given the millenial smoothness and comfort with technology, they have a positive view of how technology affects their lives over other generations. More than 74 percent feel that technology makes their lives easier and 54 percent feel new technology helps them get closer to their friends and family.

As quoted from nielsen.com, 32 percent of those aged 18-24 use social media from the bathroom, while 51 percent of those aged 25-34 spend time on weekdays to use their social networks.

According to the Pew Research Center, 83.1 million Americans aged 18-34 years spend 18 hours per day with electronic devices. Some medical experts say, millenial-generation brain development develops differently because of their interaction with rapidly evolving technological developments.

The use of technology can affect parts of the brain that control the core of one's personality, from how they work in teams to gestures and expressions.

"I think it is very possible that technology is changing the brain. But we have not linked these things directly, "said Kirk Erickson, a Brain Aging & Cognition Health Lab researcher at the University of Pittsburgh.

Meanwhile, according to S. Shyam Sundar, a professor at Penn State College of Communications, millenial generations are not good at reading someone's emotional cues. In fact, technology allows people to keep in touch regardless of age and region.

"They (millenial generation) feel are in the same frequency because the communication going through the device is constant," Sundar said.

According Sundar, communication patterns can change with the presence of millenial generation. In fact, the older generation has different communication standards that is with face to face directly.

"Millennial generations may not think about face-to-face as ideal communication. Face to face may be almost inconvenient and useless, "he said.

From the above exposure it can be seen that in order for relations with the millennial generation to run perfectly, the older generation must adapt to the trend of millennial generation, including in terms of technology utilization.

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4 Natural Ways to Overcome Wrinkles on Facial Skin

October 27, 2017
4 Natural Ways to Overcome Wrinkles on Facial Skin

As you get older a person can cause wrinkles because natural signs will start to appear, but there are some people who will try to disguise or not do some way to make them not look too old, one way that can be used to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles that is by exercising regularly and regularly so that one's body can stay fit.

If you have excessive money you can consume vitamins that can provide antioxidant effects, this understanding is not the process of preventing aging but inhibits the premature aging which one of them is a fine line on the face, and also your body skin can do a healthy lifestyle and also consume foods that contain lots of vitamin and mineral vitamins in order to avoid the presence of too many wrinkles.

Examples are eating vegetables and fish oils are rich in acids and also omega 3 which serves as maintaining body resistance and also the continuity of cell regeneration well, if you want to prevent wrinkles you can do some of the ways below:

1. How to remove wrinkles using olive oil
In ancient Greek mythology, this olive oil is a substance that can make the face become ageless, because of the mineral composition is very important for health care and beauty of your skin, but this olive oil is one substance that can help the process of regenerating cells with faster, so it can give effect to your skin softness.

If you use this olive oil, you can rub it on your face before you sleep. Do it this way regularly to get maximum results.

2. Prevent the appearance of wrinkles with diligent exercise
In addition you can get a healthy body and also fitness, you can prevent the onset of wrinkles by way of exercise, so if you are a lazy to exercise should you familiarize, so fine lines on your face do not appear. I suggest to overcome the wrinkles on your face you can do jogging in the morning.

By doing jogging regularly, you can breathe fresh air and also can clear your mind. Remember that one of the reasons people become visibly old is because of stress and also a lot of thoughts that accumulate.

3. How to overcome wrinkles with foods rich in antioxidants and do body activities
You can eat foods rich in antioxidants, because you also need food and also adequate nutrition, so it can make the stability of hormones and glands in your body to be awake, for that you can eat fruit and vegetables that contain high antioxidants, which include tomatoes and carrots, in addition you can combine vegetables and fruit that can be made as a juice.

4. How to remove wrinkles on the face by diligently consume mineral water
Mineral water has a good function for health, because it can overcome the dehydration of mineral water can also maintain body fitness, for that you should try to be able to drink 2 liters of water per day, what else in the morning.

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Maintain the Beauty of Natural Hair

October 27, 2017
Maintain the Beauty of Natural Hair

Having beautiful and well groomed hair is the first step to look beautiful. A woman's beauty will radiate when their hair is beautiful and healthy. To get that beautiful hair you must be diligent to take care of it. Keeping the beauty of hair does not have to be expensive or expensive beauty products even every day you go to salon hair. Many hair beauty products that you can choose but unfortunately not all the products are safe to use, even treatment in the salon was also can make hair become damaged. For that, you should keep the beauty of hair naturally to keep hair healthy and avoid damage.

To maintain the beauty of hair naturally, here's how:

  • Diligent shampooing
To keep the beauty of hair the first thing you do is shampoo at least twice a week. Shampooing with the right hair care products can keep the beauty of hair naturally. To choose the right hair care products, you can choose products from natural ingredients such as eclipta prostrata, aloe vera and candlenut. Some natural ingredients are good for maintaining healthy hair and make hair look more beautiful. By shampooing the blood circulation on the head becomes smooth and hair can be avoided from hair lice.

  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain complete vitamins to maintain the beauty of hair naturally. You can consume fruits and vegetables every day with a variety of food menu every day. With the consumption of these foods you can treat hair easily and cheaply.

  • Prevent sunlight
In addition to consumption of fruits and vegetables, avoid hair from direct sun exposure, especially during the day. You can use a hat or use hair vitamins when under the hot sun.

  • Avoid too long in the water
When swimming you should use a hair lid so the hair is not too long in contact with water. To keep the beauty of hair, avoid soaking the hair for too long in the water.

With some ways above the hair will be awake beauty and stay healthy without chemicals.

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