8 Benefits of Grapes Fruit for Health - The Ceilings

Friday, October 27, 2017

8 Benefits of Grapes Fruit for Health

Green, red, or black. Not only the color is diverse, the benefits of grapes for health are also stored in many.

This sweet and water-rich fruit can be eaten raw or used to make wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, or grape seed oil. Not only that, in the fruit is also stored various nutrients and antioxidants that can help maintain a healthy body.

The many benefits of grapes can not be separated from the services of polyphenols, which are bright color-giving compounds in the fruit. The antioxidant content of polyphenols in fruit grown from 6,000-8,000 years ago gives the body protection from disease and environmental damage, and helps fight free radicals. Here are some benefits of grapes that we can take.

  • Heart and blood vessels
Polyphenols in grapes may be able to help prevent cardiovascular disease, against free radicals, suspected of having anti-inflammatory effects of blood vessel walls, reducing blood pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis, antiplatelet (to prevent platelet buildup), and supporting endothelial function. According to animal experiments, flavonoids in grape are also able to protect the body from damage caused by LDL (bad cholesterol). Fiber and potassium in grapes are also able to maintain heart health.

  • Cancer
The benefits of the next grape is to help slow or prevent various types of cancer, including esophageal lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterine wall), colon, pancreas, and prostate. Of course, that's thanks to the antioxidant content of polyphenols. And according to the National Cancer Institute, the skin of red grapes contain resveratrol type polyphenols that are thought not only useful for heart health but also useful to maintain the formation and spread of cancer.

  • Chronic venous insufficiency
Eating grapefruit extract allegedly can reduce the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency as the legs feel heavy, tired, tense, painful, and tingling. In addition, studies show that eating a particular grape leaf extract is able to decrease a swollen leg after 6 weeks.

  • High blood pressure
According to studies of rats, the benefits of grapes rich in flavonoids are thought to reduce high blood pressure. In addition, grapes are also high in potassium content that helps eliminate the effects of sodium in the body, so high blood pressure can be reduced.

  • Improve memory
Research shows that fruits rich in antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress leading to aging, as well as improve the performance of verbal memory and motor function.

  • Diabetes
A study showed that eating three servings of grape, blueberries, raisins, apples or pear per week could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%. Grapes include fruits that are high in antioxidant content, to be expected to be good for diabetics.

  • Eye
According to research on mice, grapes help protect the retina from damage and disease, such as macular degeneration. if eating this fruit regularly. Eating grapeseed extract is also thought to help reduce stress on the eyes due to seeing too bright light.

  • Slows down aging
The benefits of other grapes are to help prevent degenerative diseases, activate longevity gene, and help cells live longer. All that thanks to the content of resveratrol in grape. In addition, grape also contains polyunsaturated fats, such as essential fatty acids linolenic. This content serves to protect, reduce inflammation, and improve skin sensitivity.

Benefits of low-calorie and almost fat-free grapes is not to be doubted. Therefore, do not hesitate to eat this sweet and nutritious little fruit.
