Protein is an important nutrient for the body, because it works to build cell tissues, muscles and bones. Therefore, your body needs adequate protein intake, vegetarians are no exception.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women need about 46 grams of protein and men about 56 grams to stay healthy and maintain muscle structure in the body.
However, for you who are on a vegetarian diet certainly can not take any protein derived from animal.
Here are some sources of protein that vegetarians can eat:
- Tofu
Tofu is made from soy bean juice. In 100 grams of tofu contains 8 grams of protein. Although proteins - whether plant or animal - are digested in different ways by the body, soy is a good source of protein rather than meat.
- Milk
Milk is one source of nutrients rich in calcium and protein. In 100 grams of cow's milk contains about 3 grams of protein. Meanwhile, in 100 grams of cheese contains 25 grams of protein. However, you need to remember that milk packaging on the market has a protein content that is not high.
In addition, eating yogurt can be a great way to add protein in the body. Every 100 grams of yogurt contains about 6 grams of protein.
- Nuts and seeds
These two ingredients are a source of protein and essential fat that is easy to consume. Almonds, cashews, chia seeds and flaxseed are some sources of foods rich in protein. In 30 grams the almond contains about 6 grams of protein.
In addition, you can also get protein from peas. In one glass of peas, contained 7.9 grams of protein.
This is very useful, especially for those who have problems with digestion. Half a glass of soybeans can even provide protein up to 18 grams.
- Egg
Starting your day with eggs can help reduce the overeating desire of the day. Eggs are an important source of nutrients because they can make the cells function properly. In 1 egg there are 6 grams of protein.
In addition, the yolk is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, the antioxidants that help maintain eye health.
Well, that's some food sources of protein that you can make the choice to meet the daily protein needs, especially for you vegetarians. Although undergoing a vegetarian diet, still meet the needs of protein intake for the body to keep the body healthy and fit.