Often Wash Up, Extrude Or Just Make Spotty? This is the Fact! - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Often Wash Up, Extrude Or Just Make Spotty? This is the Fact!

One of the keys to having a skin free of acne is to keep your face clean. Therefore, during this time you may maintain cleanliness with frequent face wash. However, is it true that frequent face washing can ward off acne more quickly and effectively? Hang on.

Acne is the result of excess production of oil glands and clog pores. Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition, and can be caused by various factors. Starting from psychological factors, unbalanced hormones, the use of medicines or beauty products, hygiene, to heredity.

Too often face washing triggers acne

Washing the face does have an important role in preventing the appearance of acne. However, washing facial skin and body is done twice a day. Why? Facial cleansers such as soap are useful for removing oils.

Indeed, acne is caused by excess oil production. However, facial skin actually still needs oil to keep skin moist. Washing the face many times with soap actually causes dry skin and can lead to acne.

In addition, washing the face many times with soap can cause acne detergicans, a condition in which acne arises from reactions to substances contained in soap or cleansers.

Chemicals in the facial cleanser can also kill good bacteria that naturally protect the facial skin from bad bacteria. This is because certain cleaning fluids or face soaps can not tell which bacteria are good and bad bacteria.

Therefore, it is wrong if you have been too often wash your face to clean up acne. When there is acne, wash your face twice a day as usual.

Why face wash should wear facial cleanser?

Many cosmetic products and impurities are not soluble with water. So if washing your face only with water, it will not help lift the dirt. Therefore, it takes a facial cleanser whose contents function to change the impurities that are insoluble water (usually fat soluble) is to dissolve water.

Ideal facial cleansers can remove dirt, oil, sweat, germs, and dead skin cells. However, on the other hand must also retain skin moisture and does not cause irritation. Facial cleansers that are suitable for acne prone skin are those that do not clog pores, do not cause acne, do not irritate, and do not cause allergies.

How to wash my face right?

Wash your face quite gently and use a moisturizing facial cleanser. Wash your face by rubbing and with excessive force, as described above, it actually makes the acne worse.

After that, dry by slapping the face gently with a soft towel. Do not rub because it can aggravate inflammation.

In addition to either acne prone skin or not, it is recommended that the use of products such as toner, scrub, or exfoliator be reduced. This is because the less skin is untouched the useless chemicals, the healthier your facial skin.

source: hellosehat.com
