Various Problems That May Come If You Are Too Frequently Binding Hair - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Various Problems That May Come If You Are Too Frequently Binding Hair

For people who have long hair, tying the hair is the easiest and fastest hair styling solution. But watch out, although concise, too often tying the hair turned out to be bad for your hair health. Especially if you tie your hair while still wet or while sleeping.

Too often tie the hair make hair easy to fall out to dandruff

Hair ties that are too tight can make the scalp feel sore. You may even end up feeling headaches. The pain is affected by the nerve endings attached to each of your hair follicles.

As with other body parts, hair also needs rest. Pressure received from hair roots from time to time as a result of your hair too often will trigger the occurrence of traction alopecia, a condition of chronic hair loss caused by stress and tension. Normally, you will lose about a hundred hairs a day. However, stress can cause hair loss more than it should. In the long run, this can lead to thinning of hair - even baldness.

In addition, the habit of tying the hair in a wet state can not only cause hair easily fall out. Hair tie with a condition that is still wet to make the pores of the scalp and strands of hair weakened due to damp hair constantly. As a result, this will make the hair so fragile and vulnerable to damage.

This habit is also prone to make hair prone to dandruff and scalp itch, due to lack of air circulation in the hair. Not only that, this moisture can also trigger the appearance of fungi and bacteria on the scalp. The damp condition of the scalp will last all day if you tie your hair constantly during the move. This will be the perfect place for bacteria to multiply, thus increasing the risk of scalp irritation. In fact, this condition is also very likely to cause fungal infections on the scalp.

Tips to treat hair health if hair is often tied

Try to model a more varied hairstyle. But remember do not tie the hair too strong. Make sure also to let the hair fall at night. Do not tie your hair while sleeping to let your crown of your head breathe for a moment.

