Alkaline Diet, Healthy Benefits, And How To Do It - The Ceilings

Friday, October 27, 2017

Alkaline Diet, Healthy Benefits, And How To Do It

The alkaline diet is claimed to help you lose weight, slow aging, and help control chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer. Is it true? Check out the following reviews.

An alkaline diet or acid-base diet is a diet-adjusting method to balance the pH in the body, by consuming more alkaline foods daily. The basic theory of the alkaline diet is that the body is susceptible to disease if eating acidic foods. The alkaline diet theory says that acidic foods such as meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods will trigger the body to produce acid not good for health. In contrast, alkaline or alkaline foods are considered protective, and by emphasizing a diet with an alkaline diet can maintain a healthy body.

How to Perform Alkaline Diet

Alkaline diet is done by setting the recommended diet that is 70% alkaline or alkaline food, and 30% acidic food every day. As for foods that produce bases such as fruits and vegetables, soy and tofu, and some types of nuts, seeds, and peas. While acidic foods include milk, eggs, meat, and processed foods (canned or packaged). In addition, you should also avoid consumption of beverages containing alcohol and caffeine.

Alkaline Diet and Its Relation to Body PH Balance

Our blood needs acid-base balance to work properly. This acid-base balance refers to the mechanism by which the body keeps the fluid close to neutral pH (not acidic and not too alkaline). Acid and base rates are measured on a pH scale ranging from 0 to 14. PH 0 is highly acidic, while pH 14 is very alkaline. The neutral pH is on the pH scale 7. The pH level in some parts of the human body varies greatly.

Blood is slightly alkaline, with a normal pH between 7.35 and 7.45. The stomach is loaded with hydrochloric acid and is very acidic with a pH of 3.5 or lower, which is necessary to digest food. If the acid level in the blood is too high, then this condition is called acidosis. Whereas if too alkaline is called alkalosis. Disorders of blood pH balance can occur if the body has lung and kidney organ disorders, or in severe complications of diabetes such as diabetic ketoacidosis.

The alkaline diet is claimed to help the body to maintain blood pH levels. But in fact, this alkaline diet will not change your blood pH substantially. Because, the body naturally keeps the blood pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. Blood pH levels are unlikely to be affected by diet. However, diet or food menu can indeed change the value of urine pH. But the pH of the urine can not be used as a benchmark for assessing general health conditions or pH levels of a person's body.

However, dietary alkaline diet recommendations do have some health benefits for your body, but this diet will not change the pH levels in the body. Other health benefits of the alkaline diet include:

  • By eating more fruits, vegetables, drinking lots of fluids, and limiting consumption of sugar, processed foods, beverages containing alcohol and caffeine, both to lose weight.
  • Low-acid dietary foods, such as meat and cheese, are thought to help prevent kidney stones, keep bones and muscles strong, improve cardiovascular health and brain function, reduce low back pain, and lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • The alkaline diet emphasizes you to eat fruits and vegetables with high calories, and avoid fast foods that often contain sodium and saturated fats. It is very good for heart health, as it helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol which is a major risk factor for heart disease.
  • Several studies have shown that the alkaline diet can slow down the rate of bone loss, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis with age.

The essence of the alkaline diet is to consume fruits and vegetables that are useful for weight loss and maintain body health. And no special supplements are required to support this alkaline diet.

Some studies have found that alkaline or alkaline environments may make certain chemotherapy medicine more effective or non-toxic. But there is no evidence that an alkaline diet can help prevent cancer. So, for those of you who suffer from cancer, it is advisable to stay in consultation with your doctor and nutritionist related to your nutritional needs before starting any diet.

Some people find it difficult to follow or practice an alkaline diet, the article, will be many of your favorite foods are limited when doing this acid-base diet program. Protein intake was limited to vegetable sources such as beans and tofu. Especially if you're traveling for work and have a busy schedule. Fast food will usually be an emergency option for this kind of condition. However, the best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly for 30 minutes per day. You can support it by eating healthy foods.

For those of you who have certain medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor and nutritionist before going on an alkaline diet.
