Your Body Experiencing These Symptoms, When Watching a Horror Movie - The Ceilings

Friday, October 27, 2017

Your Body Experiencing These Symptoms, When Watching a Horror Movie

Horror films indeed cause the desire to shout, close your eyes, or want to pee. But it turns out, the body response when you watch a horror movie is not just limited to it.

Here are 5 body phenomena when you watch a horror movie:

1. Heart rhythm increases
Many scenes in horror films that cause a sudden surprise. The most affected is the change in heart rhythm.

Increased heart rhythm due to watching a horror movie is a reaction of the body to respond to fear. Increased heart rhythm with fear is in line with increased respiration (the activity of inserting and expelling air into and from the lungs).

2. Tense muscles
When you feel panic, the muscles become tense. This is because horror films often make the audience in a state of depressed or terrorized.

When you experience it, then the hormone noradrenaline in the body will react. This hormone serves to carry messages throughout the body to prepare for something 'big'.

3. Increased cortisol levels
Watching a horror movie makes the production of cortisol hormone in the body will increase. The most worrying thing about the release of these hormones is the emergence of bad memories in the past. Usually, this is not you realize why it can happen.

4. Eye movements faster
Horror films make your eyes move faster, both from side to side or from top to bottom. The more scenes that make panic, your eyes will move more quickly.

5. Adrenaline increases
Adrenaline is the body's main response to stress or fear. This is the trigger of a fight-or-flight response, a big push that makes you panic and prepare to deal with any situation. This sudden adrenaline makes you full of energy and has a high level of vigilance.

Though scary, horror movies are actually created for mere entertainment. However, if you are not a fan of this type of film, you should avoid to watch it. You do not want to feel the presence of the creature that is in the scary movie, is not it?
