As social beings, help in daily life is a must for human beings. But do you know, the brain has a different response to what is done everyday, including when you do good?
In fact, in the same activity, for example in giving some money to others, the female brain more positive response than the male brain. This is what makes researchers think women are more likely to help while men are called more selfish.
Nevertheless, researchers are not sure the exact cause of the different brain responses. They do research and make dopamine as the main focus of the study.
Dopamine is a chemical substance that exists in the brain that has an important role in the brain and the body as a whole. Dopamine plays a role in the reward system of the brain including in giving response and the value of your good deeds.
The study was conducted by a neuroeconomic professor and social neuroscience at the University of Zurich, Philippe Tobler. Quoting CNN, Tobler and some colleagues tested how dopamine can affect male and female behavior.
The researcher collected 56 female and male participants, then gave them the option to share some money or choose to keep it themselves. As a result, it appears that women are more likely to have generosity and choose to share their money with others.
But in subsequent trials, researchers tried to 'disrupt' dopamine from both men and women, by giving certain medicines. The result is quite surprising, because when dopamine is disturbed, women actually show more selfish attitude while the man turns to be more generous.
So from the results of these studies concluded that the brain's reaction and behavior in helping others are influenced by many dopamine hormones. In women, dopamine hormones work more actively during social activities.