Keep Kidney Health With This Food Meal - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Keep Kidney Health With This Food Meal

Kidney is one of the most important organs. Serves to maintain the balance of acid and base, regulate blood pressure, maintain calcium for bone, and stimulate bone marrow to make red blood cells.

With so many kidney roles for the body, therefore the health of the kidneys should be extra attention. Here below are some foods that can nourish your kidneys. But although healthy, you still should not consume it excessively.

 1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its ability to help regulate glucose levels. So it can help the body to manage glucose better and protect against blood sugar disorders. Excess glucose produced from diabetes can cause damage to the kidneys.

 2. Olive oil

A recent study found that chronic kidney patients who apply a diet with olive oil can improve the quality of health. Active components in olives can improve the lives of chronic kidney patients, and certainly will support kidney health.

 3. Onion

Onions and garlic contain quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid that has high effectiveness as an antioxidant. Research has found that quercetin may help provide protection against kidney damage for smokers.

 4. Cabbage

Cabbage contains sulfur or sulfur substances that have the ability to cleanse and bind to toxic liquids that settle in the liver tissue, making it easy to remove through sweat and urine. In addition, cabbage contains vitamin K, C, B6, fiber, and folic acid that help maintain kidney health.

 5. Apple

Apples are a good fruit for skin care because they contain high levels of vitamin E and fiber. Apples also have substances that are able to clear the digestive tract and optimize liver health. The substance is called pectin in which there are vitamins, iron, and complete minerals.

 6. Egg white

Containing the protein with the purest quality, egg white is also equipped with amino acids and low in phosphorus. If you have kidney problems, you need a protein with a little phosphorus content. A suitable food is egg white because it is rich in protein but has a lower phosphorus content than other protein sources.

To avoid kidneys and liver from damage, you can eat foods that have been described because it can improve the health of these organs. But remember, consume in portions to taste and not excessive.