The 10 Most Deadly Poisons in the World - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The 10 Most Deadly Poisons in the World

1. Botulinum

Now we are talking about the number one poison in the world, which we call botulinum. Mostly, these substances are used in cosmetic products. This poison is very powerful because with just one teaspoon can kill a large number of people - say only about 1.2 billion people. When the poison is in direct contact with the body, the main symptoms are double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, lisp speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. Botulinum toxins also affect the respiratory system and will eventually lead to death. Someone can overcome this toxin by getting emergency help and proper handling within a certain period of time.

2. Ricin

Ricin is a deadly poison found in plants, especially jatropha seeds. This is a poison that can be extracted and essentially used as a weapon of mass destruction. If the type of plant chewed or swallowed it will be very fatal consequences. These toxins work inside the body's cells by preventing the manufacture of proteins in which the cells require it. If the protein does not exist, then the cell will die. Without proteins in the cell, the body can be said to be in a dangerous position and can ultimately lead to death. This poison has also been used successfully in the murder of political figures. So it is very important for someone to seek medical help immediately within forty-five minutes after exposure to this poison.

3. Toad Frog Dart Frog (Dart Frog)

As we have read or learned about tropical rain forests, people will only find these frogs there. At first glance, they look beautiful and attractive. But sometimes, looks may be deceiving, because this creature contains many toxins in its body. The skin is a combination of various types of toxins including neurotoxins and their derivatives. This toxin directly affects the nervous system through the bloodstream especially near the heart causing breathing difficulties. The next impact is a heart attack followed by a coma to death. These toxins are often used by indigenous people as layers of their weapons such as arrows or chopsticks. .

4. Sarin

Sarin's name comes from the name of the person who created it, namely Schrader, Ambros, Rudiger and Van der Linde. This is a deadly neural gas. This substance is intended as a pesticide when it was created in 1983. After that, it was used as a major component of weapons of mass destruction during the war. This substance makes its appearance in the course of history especially when there was an attack in Japan in 1995 and in 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. When a person is exposed to this poison, what happens then is the muscles and glands stop functioning. The initial symptoms of sarin include colds and tightness in the chest. After the first contact with this poison then the patient will feel difficulty breathing including nausea. Next you lose control of all your body functions and get into a coma.

5. Tetrodotox

Often abbreviated as txt, basically tetrodotoxin prevents infected nerve cells from the process of burning cells by blocking the channels used in the process. Its name comes from Tetradontiformes, found in puffer fish, porcupine fish, ocean sunfish or mole, and triggerfish, some species carrying these toxins. Found within the puffer fish organ, tetrodotoxin continues to exist even after the fish is cooked. If the poison is consumed, paralysis and death can strike within six hours. Up to five Japanese die each year for not being able to prepare fugu (puffer fish in Japanese) well before being cooked. This case of poisoning is a bit happening in Japan, Southeast Asia, including Taiwan, but looks significant in the United States.

6. Cyanide

Cyanide is also one of the most famous lethal poison. Considered deadly because of his very fast reaction. Only a teaspoon of pure cyanide dissolved in water can kill humans within seconds after consumption through shortness of breath. This toxin reacts in the body by blocking one of the enzymes from the electroelectric chain, causing problems in respiration, so that we will face death from shortness of breath. This reaction is also very painful, because the patient will experience paralysis in the heart muscle that makes the heart can not pump. In addition to pesticides and insecticides, cyanide is also contained in tobacco smoke, smoke from building fires and some foods, such as almonds, apricot kernels, apple seeds, and cassava. This poisoning is actually rare, but if someone is exposed to this poison should be as soon as possible taken appropriate action to save lives.

7. Poison Sea Snake Beaked (Beaked Sea Snake)

One of the most deadly poisons in the whole world is the poison of sea serpents. This creature is widespread in the waters and is responsible for nine out of every ten deaths from sea bite snakes. This snake has a large size, ranging from 1.2 meters for males and 1.5 meters for females. The main symptoms of this snake's bite is that a person will experience headaches, vomiting, sweating, swelling and thirst. If the toxin remains in the body for 30 minutes or more, it will cause muscle pain, stiffness and pain throughout the body.

8. Strychhine

Another poison is Strychnine which is also deadly, used as a pesticide mainly to kill small vertebrates such as birds and rodents. These toxins are obtained from the seeds of the nux vomica tree and plants associated with the genus strychnos. Strychnine is transported in the body by plasma and erythrocytes. Within minutes of ingesting this toxin, it can be detected in the urine. This leads to an increase in reflex stimulation in the spinal cord which results in loss of inhibitors in the spread of motor cell stimulation, so that all muscles can contract simultaneously. In terms of sense if we want to discuss it, then it is the most bitter substance that ever existed.

9. Poison Spider Nomad Brazil (Brazilian Wandering Spider)

One of the deadliest forms of natural poison in the world is the Brazilian wandering spider. Produced by this type of banana spider. They are scientifically composed of eight species. Their body length ranges from 17 to 48 mm. This spider is found in tropical regions of South America and is known to be very aggressive in the world. They are mostly found wandering in the forest grounds at night, while in the day they dodge light and take cover under rocks, under cars and on banana plants. In 2007 the spider was introduced in the Guinness book of records because it has resulted in the killing of a number of people in the short-term. But it is actually difficult for them to bite humans because their fangs are meant to attack their prey. It is a deadly toxin that contains neurotoxin, which causes respiratory illness and potentially death. Other effects are muscle paralysis, pain throughout the body, intense inflammation and eventually die. Inflammation will kill the muscle, skin and bone cells in the tissue around the bite wound, thus forming rotten meat. This poison also causes tension for hours or permanence. A person affected by this snake bite can be saved if it is immediately given the antidote. The impact of the bite of the Brazilian wandering spider is something to be afraid of.

10. Amatoxin

Amatoxin is a poison that can be found in something we think of as food, like mushrooms. Amatoxin is a poison known for its durability. This poison does not lose its ability even if the fungus has been exposed to heat or damaged. The main target is the liver, then the kidneys. The next effect is on the central nervous system and leads to respiratory diseases, bloody diarrhea and even coma. The only way to avoid this type of poisoning is to avoid eating wild mushrooms. Due to the immobilizing nature of this substance even in the dry state, insoluble in water and heat resistance, the treatment involves high doses of penicillin and intensive care in cases of liver and kidney damage. Bidders should be given to those who are poisoned amatoxin.