By keeping the diet, cutting calories, and diligent exercise, healthy and ideal body weight can be owned by anyone.
Being overweight or obese makes us vulnerable to many diseases. That's unmitigated kinds, ranging from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gall stones, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, uric acid, cancer, stroke, to heart disease.
Fortunately, by reducing weight, our risk of getting these diseases can be reduced. And that must be considered is how excess weight can be eliminated. If you want to diet, choose a healthy diet aka diet that does not make us starve and lose many of the nutrients the body needs.
Do not for the sake of lower body scales, we are willing to skip meals. And meet the nutritional needs of three times (breakfast, lunch, dinner) in a day that is important for the body. It is believed that people who do not skip meals have lower levels of fat in the blood.
And the most important thing is to pay attention to the intake that goes into our body. Do not just eat food and drink regardless of the content contained in it. You are advised to pay attention to nutrition and also adjust the number of calories according to the limitations we set.
Experts recommend that the weight removed only as much as 0.5 kg to 1 kg a week. We can start from cutting caloric intake as much as 500 calories per day. For example, if we used to consume 2500 calories, the amount can be reduced to 2000 calories.
Only by reducing 500 calories, we can lose weight as much as 0.5-1 kg. However, do not let when reducing the intake of calories, our body actually lack of calories. For women aged 19-30 years, they need the number of calories as much as 2000-2400. While women aged 31-50 years need 1800-2200 calories.
One way to reduce daily calories is to replace our daily diet with food substitutes such as milk. Adding low-fat milk as a substitute for food can be the right choice. In addition to low levels of fat, low-fat milk also contributes to lower caloric intake, saturated fat and cholesterol. Plus it still benefits from the high content of protein, calcium, vitamins and other minerals derived from low-fat dairy products.
Lastly, do not forget to diligently exercise. Use it to burn excess calories attached to our stomach, arms, or legs. With exercise, our metabolism and body mass will rise. As a result, the number of calories burned will also increase every day. And not only that, exercise is also able to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent heart attacks, and lower our stress levels.
Did you know if a healthy diet plus exercise is a more effective way to lose weight. For that it is advisable to do aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, or cycling at least three times a week at least 20 minutes per session. However, if you really want to lose weight it is recommended to do aerobics for more than 20 minutes. Well, if you want to cut excess fat in the body, it is advisable to consult with a doctor first in order to determine which diet and exercise that suits you.
Being overweight or obese makes us vulnerable to many diseases. That's unmitigated kinds, ranging from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gall stones, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, uric acid, cancer, stroke, to heart disease.
Fortunately, by reducing weight, our risk of getting these diseases can be reduced. And that must be considered is how excess weight can be eliminated. If you want to diet, choose a healthy diet aka diet that does not make us starve and lose many of the nutrients the body needs.
Do not for the sake of lower body scales, we are willing to skip meals. And meet the nutritional needs of three times (breakfast, lunch, dinner) in a day that is important for the body. It is believed that people who do not skip meals have lower levels of fat in the blood.
And the most important thing is to pay attention to the intake that goes into our body. Do not just eat food and drink regardless of the content contained in it. You are advised to pay attention to nutrition and also adjust the number of calories according to the limitations we set.
Experts recommend that the weight removed only as much as 0.5 kg to 1 kg a week. We can start from cutting caloric intake as much as 500 calories per day. For example, if we used to consume 2500 calories, the amount can be reduced to 2000 calories.
Only by reducing 500 calories, we can lose weight as much as 0.5-1 kg. However, do not let when reducing the intake of calories, our body actually lack of calories. For women aged 19-30 years, they need the number of calories as much as 2000-2400. While women aged 31-50 years need 1800-2200 calories.
One way to reduce daily calories is to replace our daily diet with food substitutes such as milk. Adding low-fat milk as a substitute for food can be the right choice. In addition to low levels of fat, low-fat milk also contributes to lower caloric intake, saturated fat and cholesterol. Plus it still benefits from the high content of protein, calcium, vitamins and other minerals derived from low-fat dairy products.
Lastly, do not forget to diligently exercise. Use it to burn excess calories attached to our stomach, arms, or legs. With exercise, our metabolism and body mass will rise. As a result, the number of calories burned will also increase every day. And not only that, exercise is also able to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent heart attacks, and lower our stress levels.
Did you know if a healthy diet plus exercise is a more effective way to lose weight. For that it is advisable to do aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, or cycling at least three times a week at least 20 minutes per session. However, if you really want to lose weight it is recommended to do aerobics for more than 20 minutes. Well, if you want to cut excess fat in the body, it is advisable to consult with a doctor first in order to determine which diet and exercise that suits you.