Utilizing Ultrasound for Beauty - The Ceilings

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Utilizing Ultrasound for Beauty

Ultrasound is not a strange thing in the world of health. We recognize ultrasound for additional examination and diagnose a disease. However, with the development of technology and research today, ultrasound can be used not only for health but has penetrated in the world of beauty.

Actually, what is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is an imaging tool commonly used to diagnose diseases and other health conditions. Ultrasound has the ability to create sound waves that will cause echoes when it is highlighted into the body. These waves will then create images that can be used to diagnose illness.

In addition to providing images or imaging to diagnose illness, ultrasound is also used for physiotherapy. But recently, ultrasound began to be applied in the world of medical beauty for anti-aging therapy by stimulating the formation of new collagen in the face, neck, and chest.

How ultrasound works

Ultrasound has mechanical sound wave capabilities with frequencies over 20,000 Hz. In addition, ultrasound delivers waves with longitudinal directions, so it can enter into tissues that are expected to produce biological effects. One of the biological effects of ultrasound is that it can conduct heat. This heat effect is taken for the application of the world of beauty in stimulating the formation of new collagen that can give effect alias toned skin on the skin.

The importance of collagen in the skin

The word collagen itself comes from the Greek language which means sticky or produce sticker. In our body is actually collagen is one of the proteins that make up the body. Its presence reaches approximately 30% of all the proteins contained in the body, and it turns out about 70% of our skin consists of collagen. The presence of 70% of collagen in our skin makes it more elastic, supple, supple, and also damp. With skin that still contains a lot of collagen is someone will look young and free of wrinkles.

As we age, the ability to form collagen decreases. This is what affects the condition of the skin in old age. Slack, wrinkled, and sagging skin is a thing that is often encountered in women and men aged or in the world of beauty is referred to as "aging process". The essence of preventing the aging process is by stimulating the formation of new collagen by heat delivery. Because the nature of collagen is a protein, when exposed to external pressures such as chemical compounds or heat, it loses its tertiary and secondary structures which in the medical world is called "protein denaturation".

How can ultrasound make skin younger?

A classic example of protein denaturation can be seen in egg whites. When new from the egg, the egg white is transparent and liquid. However, cooking the egg whites by being heated makes them opaque, forming a densely packed mass.

And this is also what happens to collagen in the dermis layer of our skin when exposed to heat stimulation from ultrasound. It becomes hardened and solid so that the epidermal skin layers on it will be attracted and toned. The heat delivered through the ultrasound reaches 60-70 ° C. Higher than the excitation using radio frequency technology that is only 38-50 ° C. The transduced ultrasound waves reach a depth of 4.5 mm or as deep as the connective tissue between the muscles and the skin.

This new technology opens the horizons for anti-aging therapy. The effects of ultrasound can be an option for some people who are still afraid to do lifting with plastic surgery. Because the aging process continues, to maintain skin elasticity and firmness required necessary collagen stimulation on a regular basis.
