Be Careful, This Trivial Habits Can Trigger Insomnia - The Ceilings

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Be Careful, This Trivial Habits Can Trigger Insomnia

There are many habits that can trigger you have difficulty sleeping at night aka insomnia. However, have you ever suspected that the trivial habits below can also cause insomnia?

Let's look at the five habits that can trigger insomnia. You may have done one of them.

1. Drinking too much water
Drinking water is called good for the body. However, excessive drinking has a number of adverse effects, especially if done before bed. Because, too much drinking can stimulate you to keep going back to the restroom, and this will certainly interfere with your sleep time.

According to Mark Whiteley, consultant vascular surgeon and founder of The Whiteley Clinic in London, drinking too much water before bed can interfere with your kidney work rhythm.

"When we fall asleep, our brains secrete ADH, an anti-diuretic hormone, to slow kidney function and stop us feeling the need to urinate at night," he says as from the Daily Mail.

Therefore, you are advised to urinate before bed at night, so as not to wake up at night. You also need to avoid drinking water at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

2. Not keeping the diet
Eating habits can cause insomnia. These habits can cause you to have indigestion. Digestive disorders that occur would have a direct impact on your sleep patterns. Because when the stomach feels uncomfortable, you will more difficult to sleep at night and emerged prolonged insomnia.

3. Undiagnosed disease
Undiagnosed diseases, such as sleep apnea, can also cause insomnia. If some disease is nesting in the body and you do not know, this is certainly not good for your health. In addition to undermining the physical and health conditions, this condition will also cause difficulty sleeping at night. For that, you need to get used to doing every examination to feel a change in the body.

4. Bring home office work
Even if the work is overwhelming, you still have to draw a clear boundary. Try not to bring home your office work. Because it can make you exposed to insomnia. In the middle of the pile of work, you are increasingly likely to develop a sense of stress and depression. When stressed, you will be more difficult to sleep soundly.

5. No clean room
Routine cleaning of the room, especially the bed, will help you more easily sleep at night. Conversely, having a dirty bedroom, bad temperatures, and many other distractions, will certainly make you uncomfortable. You certainly do not feel at home with the condition. Finally, instead of falling asleep after working all day, you are forced to tidy up the room. It will certainly make you sleep more late, can even lead to insomnia.

So that's just a few things that can cause you to have trouble sleeping at night or insomnia. If you often do one or more of the above, you better reduce it from now on. Remember, good sleep quality will also have a good impact on your health.

