Benefits of Guava - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Benefits of Guava

Guava Nutrition Content

In every 100 grams of fresh cooked guava there are 0.9 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 12.2 g carbohydrates, 14 mg calcium, 28 mg phosphorus, 1.1 mg iron, 25 SI vitamin A, 0.02 mg vitamin B1, 87 mg vitamin C, and 86 g of water, with total calories of 49 calories.

Guava is very rich in vitamin C. Compared with citrus fruits, vitamin C content in guava was more, fourfold. The content of vitamin C in guava can meet the daily needs of vitamin C children aged 13-20 years who reach 80-100 mg per day, or daily vitamin C requirement of adults who reach 70-75 mg per day. Thus, a guava fruit weighing 275 g per fruit can meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in three adults or two children.

In addition to rich in vitamin C, guava also contains vitamin A. The content of vitamin A in guava is quite high even 10 times more than vitamin A contained in the lemon.

Guava is rich in fiber, especially pectin which is soluble fiber. In addition, guava also contains minerals such as manganese and magnesium, as well as essential amino acids such as tryptophan, as well as nutritious phytochemicals such as elagat acid, linoleic acid, and korbigen acid.

Benefits and Benefits of Guava

The benefits of pectin fiber in guava, among others, lower cholesterol by binding cholesterol and bile acids in the body and help remove it.

Research conducted by Singh Medical Hospital and Morrabad Research Center, India, showed that guava can lower total cholesterol and blood triglycerides and blood pressure in people with hypertension.

The tannin that raises the feeling of sprinkling on guava is useful to facilitate the digestive system and blood circulation, and attack the virus. Potassium is contained in this fruit to improve the regularity of the heart rate, activate muscle contraction, regulate the delivery of nutrients to the body cells, and lower total cholesterol and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Guava is a fruit that should be routinely taken if you want to avoid a heart attack. Potassium levels in guava helps the heart to beat more regularly. The content of elagat acid, linoleic acid, korbigen acid, and also the fiber able to bind the fat so as to avoid the formation of plaque, the cause of coronary heart. According to the study, eating guava 1/2 - 1 kg / day for four weeks, can reduce the risk of heart disease up to 16%.

In addition, medium-sized guava can provide 20 percent of the body's daily needs for potassium. Research also suggests a routine consumption of potassium can lower blood pressure. This fruit becomes hypoglycemic in nature and rich in fiber that is beneficial to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Guava also found lycopene, a carotenoid substance (an important pigment in plants) that has antioxidant activity, so it is useful to provide protection to the body from the attack of several types of cancer. In red guava, lycopene content is available in abundant amounts.

Not only the fruit, the guava leaf part is also often used as herbal medicine. In the guava leaf known to contain tannin, eugenol (oil asiri), fat oil, resin, tannin, triterpinoid, and apfel acid. While the seeds, containing 14 percent of essential oils, 15 percent protein, and 13 percent flour.

The combination of vitamin C and beta-carotene, as well as high manganese and magnesium elements in the fruit, makes guava rich in antioxidants. Guava also contains a number of essential amino acids needed to build the body's defensive cells and repair damaged cells, accelerate the healing of flu, sore throat and shortness of breath.

Guava apparently also very good for maintaining skin health. According to research, eating guava regularly will help smooth the skin and make skin look younger. This is because guava has a very high vitamin C content.

As is known, vitamin C helps the skin rejuvenation process, so the skin becomes smoother and brighter. This is because vitamin C increases the production of collagen in the skin layer, thus making the skin becomes more supple. Vitamin C also helps improve the texture and structure of damaged skin, so the skin can be regenerated properly.

Meanwhile, the content of vitamin E which is antioxidant in guava will work with vitamin C to maintain healthy skin. The content of antioxidants in the fruit can help maintain the structure of the skin to avoid mutations caused by UV exposure, and prevent the skin from free radicals experienced every day.

The content of astringet in guava will also improve the texture of the skin and tighten the skin that begins to loose. Not only that, the combination of vitamins A, C and potassium in guava that act as antioxidants will help the detoxification process and keep skin healthy and wrinkle free.

To get maximum benefit from guava, this guava consumption should be at least two pieces per day, either in the form of fruit pieces or juiced. When choosing to juice, the guava blender with the seeds and skin, then filtered.