Benefits of Pomegranate for Pregnant Women - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Benefits of Pomegranate for Pregnant Women

Pomegranate is already famous to have many properties since ancient times, so the fruit is estimated to originate from Iran is then developed cultivation in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, India to Southeast Asia. In fact, because of its great merit, pomegranates thrive on French soil with pomegranate, which means apple seeds, because a pomegranate can have 800 seeds in it, which is then adapted by Americans as pomegranate.

The benefits of this fruit lies in the content of flavonoids (anthocyanin), citric acid, malic acid, folic acid, fruit sugar (glucose, maltose, fructose) vitamins (C, B6, A, E) and minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium). Imagine how many benefits is not it? And the fact is, the antioxidant content of pomegranate juice three times more than red grape or even green tea.

In pregnant women themselves, the content of folic acid or folic acid is good for fetal brain development and reduce the risk of pregnancy and give birth to infants with brain defects and neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Increase endurance. Vitamin C is beneficial to increase the immune system of the mother and immunity in the fetus and helps the absorption of iron for the formation of fetal blood.

Their own mineral content such as Calcium and Phosphorus serves as a calcium phosphate salt that serves to give the hard properties of bone and tooth of the fetus after birth, sodium and potassium are used as acid-base balancing in the cells so that pregnant women do not quickly dehydration, and iron which at times pregnancy needs will greatly increase for fetal blood formation and lactation mother supply up to six months after delivery because breast milk does not contain iron salt, this supply of iron also as a reserve for replacement of blood lost at the time of delivery.

Researchers in Scotland have also proven the link between consuming 500 ml of pomegranate juice a day and its ability to reduce cortisol levels that trigger stress hormones significantly in saliva. Research from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is also indicated that the pomegranate is able to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure so as to make the body feel more relaxed and prevent hypertension. So it can be used as a prevention against pregnant women with high blood events due to stress in early pregnancy which can lead to birth with Low Birth Weight, Premature Birth, and convulsions in labor that are fatal to maternal health.

In the pomegranate there are substances Tanin useful for digestion. Tannin is one of the compounds contained in the plant which is one component of astrigen with the ability to bind and precipitate proteins that can be applied in the treatment of hemorrhage (hemostatik), peptic ulcer (open wound in the stomach or gut lining 12 fingers), hemorrhoids and diarrhea with how to shrink the intestinal mucous membranes so that the diarrhea fluid is reduced. This is useful for mothers who have diarrhea during pregnancy, can also be used as an additional fruit for the return of the amount of blood lost due to bleeding after childbirth.
