How To Eliminate Black Spots on Face that is Powerful, Natural & Safe - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How To Eliminate Black Spots on Face that is Powerful, Natural & Safe

Black spots are black spots on the face which generally will be more widespread when not getting the right treatment. There are many causes of the emergence of black spots in women. Where one of them is due to excessive exposure to UV light. not just that for you who do a lot of activity outside the room is also prone to air pollution that can cause black spots.

In addition to some of the causes of black spots, the use of cosmetics with chemicals and dyes that are above the threshold can also lead to the emergence of black spots. The cause of black spots can also be influenced by hormones and genetic factors. On the other hand the rest of acne can also be the cause of the emergence of black spots.

Some people make the decision to do black spots on beauty salons. But surely that treatment requires a lot of cost. But sometimes it also causes specific risks.

Well if you use a safe way to remove black spots on the face with this natural way, certainly will not require expensive cost to be able to obtain a beautiful face free from black spots. Where you just need fresh lime fruit that you can use in overcoming black spots. the steps are so easy, use fresh lime juice, then take the juice.

Powerful Ways to Eliminate Black Spots on Natural Skin Face

Then wear a special brush for the face to apply lemon juice on the face. Wait until it is dry for about 15 to 30 minutes. Then you can wash your face by using clean water and dry with a towel. Perform treatment of black spots that day-to-day throughout the period of 1 month Where vitamin C contained in lime can fade stubborn black spots.

In addition to the above, you can also use the properties of honey. Where honey is a natural anti-biotic that can eliminate the bacteria that cause black spots. Beyond that honey can also keep your skin healthy and shiny. But you need to assure that natural or natural honey that there is no combination of sugar and other materials.

Previously wearing honey as an exit to remove these black spots, make sure your face is clean from make-up. Then give honey on the face that there are black spots. Allow to dry for 1 hour. Then wash using clean water. Perform this treatment before bedtime and for optimal results do it everyday.
In addition to using honey or lime, you can also use a cucumber that makes a natural face mask. How to remove black spots on the face in a natural way is done by softening the cucumber fruit, then can stick on the face that there are black spots approximately 20 minutes long. Then it can be washed with clean water.

How to remove the black spots on the face of which potent will you use to remove your black spots? of course the above ways include easy with some materials that are affordable and the price is a natural ingredient. But who needs to remember in addition to the above treatments, you also still need to keep the skin clean and try to avoid some of the causes of the emergence of black spots. Hopefully useful.