5 Skin Care Faces Naturally Match Skin Type - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

5 Skin Care Faces Naturally Match Skin Type

Natural Skin Facial Treatment According to Skin Type. So beautiful is indeed the dream of every woman. The perspective is pretty it has a white skin, clean, and without acne. As a pretty problem for some women can not be felt because some facial problems faced. Some of them convey every problem of course there is a solution.

Likewise with skin problems, of course there are treatments. Generally the treatment is also done in an instant way in other words salon treatment. Although actually if want more natural can use some natural ingredients for this facial problem. What are some, let's refer to the facial care information according to the same problem.

1. Dry Skin Care

Signs of dry skin is generally, so many facial skin peeling, and cracked. This is because the skin is missing its moisture. Use of natural ingredients that can be applied on the face of one olive oil, avocado, honey and fruit tongue. Steps live just give some natural ingredients on the surface of the face, for the avocado can be crushed first, then make a mask.

2. Oily Skin Care

If there is a type of face that is dry opposite there is also the type of oily. Oily skin problems that face will look dull and not shine. This is because there are excessive oil glands. As a treatment can wear a natural mask made from fruit bengkoang must be done regularly in one week. Then the lime juice can also reduce the oil content and make the face bright.

3. Acne Skin Care

Acne is the most disturbed problem. Because acne one can grow a thousand and sometimes make sufferers become less confident. And the treatment is thought to be the longest because of leaving a stubborn black stain. Natural ingredients that can be used is lemon juice, because lemon can shrink acne and eliminate the stain. For acne prone skin cleanse the face with a polished material because it will cause acne.

4. Sensitive Skin Care

Sensitive skin is the most chronic skin problem, when it has been exposed to sunlight the skin can be flushed like a food allergy. The treatment can use eastern that can give the freshness of the skin. Because one of the triggers may be the food so stay away from foods that can lead to allergies such as seafood or fatty foods.

5. Normal Skin Care

If anyone conveys normal skin does not need a nurse, this is wrong. Although normal but treatment is still needed. But it may not be as skin-intensive as the problem. Regular treatments are kept in order to keep them clean and shiny.

Here are some facial treatments naturally according to skin types that can be tried practiced. But in the care required patience and perseverance because natural treatments can not be instant. Basically that needs to be reminded that keep it regular and regularly protect the cleanliness of your face after working out.