The tools you normally call baby walkers are created as a child walker and trigger rough motor movements of children in the hope that children walk faster.
But along with its development, baby walker is not desirable anymore. This is because the use of a baby walker has been banned by the American Academy Pediatric which is a pediatric association in America, because of the many cases of child accidents due to the use of baby walkers.
The following are some of the risks of using baby walkers in children:
The child can reach a higher place, so have the opportunity to take things that are higher and endanger the child, if the goods are scissors, knives or containers filled with hot water.
The child fell and suffered a head injury.
Risk of a vertebral fracture.
The use of baby walker itself does not make the child become fast walking, because in fact children who use this tool tends to have no desire to walk because facilitated by the wheel in the tool as a walker.
The use of baby walkers in fact only strengthens the calf muscles and does not strengthen the thighs and hips of children, but the role of muscles in the thighs and hips is very important to walk.
When using a baby walker as a walker, the child can not see a part of his body, so your child can not learn to use his limbs and learn the balance while walking using a baby walker.
With the above risks, if you have a child who can not walk, you should not use a baby walker as a child walker. Teaching a walking child can begin with the help of you holding both hands. In addition to accelerating the ability of children to walk, bonding children and parents become stronger.