What Is Rapunzel Syndrome? - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What Is Rapunzel Syndrome?

A British teenager died of an infection caused by the presence of a hair ball in his stomach. This teenager was diagnosed with Rapunzel Syndrome. What is Rapunzel Syndrome and how are signs and symptoms?

Rapunzel Syndrome is a phenomenon in the health field that is very rarely encountered and documented. This term is used to describe a condition when a person has a habit of plucking and consuming his own hair.

This habit causes a buildup of hair in the digestive tract, which can have a negative impact on the health of the body. As a result, blockage and infection of the digestive tract can occur.

Rapunzel Syndrome has two psychological components, namely trichotillomania and trichophagia. Trichotillomania is an irresistible urge to pull out the hair of oneself. Meanwhile, trichophilia is a compulsive habit of eating your own hair.

If the accumulation of hair continues to occur, this can cause several complaints, including vomiting and constipation. In addition, fluid and gas buildup can also occur in the stomach. Weight loss can also occur due to the body that is difficult to digest food.

According to an article quoted by BBC.com, in one woman who had been diagnosed Rapunzel Syndrome found clots of hair in the stomach and small intestine during surgical procedures.
Then, a hair clot that is suspected to cause a blockage of the gastrointestinal tract is removed by the doctors. After that, patients are encouraged to eat a high-protein diet to help the process of healing and nutritional improvement.

Epidemiologists also point out that there are many cases of Rapunzel Syndrome encountered in childhood. Approximately 40 percent of individuals diagnosed with Rapunzel Syndrome are under 10 years of age. Parents are advised to be more vigilant when observing the symptoms in children that lead to Rapunzel Syndrome.

Rapunzel Syndrome is a fairly rare health condition. However, by knowing the signs and symptoms, people are expected to recognize the condition of Rapunzel Syndrome. Early detection and treatment can help prevent multiple complications.