These Little Habits Make Your Life More Healthy - The Ceilings

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

These Little Habits Make Your Life More Healthy

Not all healthful activities must suck in time and energy in large numbers, you know! Try these five little habits, and feel the benefits for your health.

1. A glass of lemon in the morning
Drinking water after waking up in the morning is highly recommended. However, mixing a glass of warm water with lemon juice was no less good for the body.

Vitamin C contained in lemon can improve your health condition, especially the body's metabolism. One glass of warm lemon juice in the morning can boost microbicide immunity. In addition, lemon will also help the skin become healthier and brighter.

2. Always bring a healthy snack
Different metabolic systems in each person, affect the stomach condition. That is, although both breakfast, office friends may take longer to return to hunger than you. Well, that condition often triggers you to take a snack while waiting for lunch hour.

In order for health more awake, always provide healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables in a small container that is easy to carry. Instead of you "snack" foods that can trigger illness, such as foods that are too much sugar, just take one or two pieces of mango you have provided.

3. A bottle of water on the desk
Solid work often makes people forget everything. Including forgetting, or lazy, getting off the desk for a drink. In fact, you may have felt thirsty but are reluctant to leave work.

Be careful, the habit can cause dehydration and even interfere with your productivity. To work around this, make it a habit to put a bottle of drinking water on your desk. Thus, there is no longer a reason to lazy to drink water.

4. Eat nuts
In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can choose beans as a healthy snack. Eat at least 50 grams of nuts that you like every day. Omega-3 content in nuts can strengthen cardiovascular health, hair care, and nails.

In addition, nuts contain selenium, antioxidants, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc. In short, beans are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

5. Reading
Instead of spending spare time with useless things, try to read a book. Numerous studies have found that reading books daily can keep the brain healthy.

Citing BrightSide website, reading routine will improve the ability of the brain, sharpen memory, and develop imagination. Reading is also proven to slow (or even stop) Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

To get used to reading, place a book in every corner of your house: in the bathroom, in the kitchen, under the bed. In addition, do not forget to place the book in the bag so you can read both on public transport or in the middle of a lunch break.

Let's change your habits with activities that are more useful especially for health. Surely a health awake will make your life more qualified.