Avoid These Drinks During Menstruation - The Ceilings

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Avoid These Drinks During Menstruation

One of the questions frequently asked by ordinary people during menstruation is about dietary restrictions - especially drinks. But, is there really a drink that should be avoided during menstruation?

First of all, you need to know that during menstruation or menstruation, not infrequently dysmenorrhea. It is menstrual pain in the form of abdominal pain such as cramps, nausea, and unstable emotions and even accompanied by headaches.

Some studies found there are some beverages that should be avoided, so complaints that appear during menstruation can be minimized

Avoid This Drink
  • Coffee
The content of caffeine in coffee can make your stomach bloated and cause increased stomach acid. As a result menstrual pain was increased.

In addition, caffeine can also cause constriction of blood vessels that cause excessive dehydration. The body becomes tired quickly and often arises feeling dizzy.

  • Tea
This drink contains substances that can inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. This results in disruption of red blood cell production. Yet during the menstrual process, a number of red blood cells that are old will decay through the vagina and replaced with newly produced cells.

  • Milk
Although it has a good calcium for the body, but milk contains arachadonic acid that can stimulate the release of prostaglandin substances in the body. These are substances that will trigger seizures and stomach cramps.

  • Alcohol
Alcoholic drinks can turn your menstrual cycle into irregular. Some studies also suggest that menstrual pain will increase as you consume alcohol. In addition, alcohol can also affect your emotions when taken during menstruation.

To keep your condition remains excellent during menstruation, you should avoid all four types of beverages on top. Also, take care of your diet and apply a healthy lifestyle. Drink plenty of water and do not hesitate to discuss health conditions with your doctor if it feels something wrong with your body.
