How To Perform A Proper Banana Diet - The Ceilings

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

How To Perform A Proper Banana Diet

Choosing the right foods when dieting is the best way you can do to maintain health. A healthy diet should also be balanced with regular exercise. You can apply a banana diet or morning banana diet to maximize your diet program.

Morning banana diet or Diet Asa-Banana was first introduced by Sumiko Watanabe, a pharmacist from Japan. This banana diet essentially is encouraging you to eat fruit when hungry and reduce the portion of the meal. You should also understand more about hunger and satiety. Eating after 8 pm is also not recommended on this diet.

Here's a guide that you can use to apply a banana diet:

  • Breakfast
For those of you who want to lose weight, one of the best ways is to change your lifestyle with a healthy breakfast every morning. Breakfast can help keep your metabolism. Make sure you eat within 30-60 minutes of waking up to burn body fat can run optimally. Breakfast also ensures you do not feel hungry during the day and make a poor choice in choosing food to cope with hunger.

Breakfast with foods containing resistant starch can help you stay full and burn more calories in the body. One of them is banana.

This cheap and delicious banana has many benefits for health:

  1. Smooth digestion.
  2. Helps lower high blood pressure.
  3. Prevent minor stroke.
  4. Provide energy.
  5. A good source of magnesium.

On the banana diet, at breakfast you are required to eat bananas and drink water only. Bananas should not be cooked or frozen first. You can replace the banana with other fruit, but only one type only. If you still feel hungry, wait about 15 to 30 minutes before eating other foods.

  • Lunch and dinner
There are no strict rules for lunch and dinner on this banana diet method. You can eat whatever food you want. But you have to stop when you feel full about 80% of your eating needs.

  • Snacks
Snacks are only allowed one time each afternoon or afternoon, this is the only time where you can eat sweet foods. However, this diet also needs to avoid ice cream, milk and other derivative products.

  • Sleeping Enough
The banana diet also ensures you to focus on enough sleep time between 7 and 9 hours each night. When you are tired from lack of sleep, the possibility of overeating and eating unhealthy foods will increase.

The banana diet is a good technique applied in your lifestyle. If you can implement this diet strategy, it will have a better chance in the long term for weight loss and improve health. It can also prevent you from extreme diets that can interfere with your health.

This diet can certainly be a solution for you who suffer from obesity. But remember, there is no definite evidence of the effectiveness of a banana diet to lose weight. Always consult a doctor if you have certain medical conditions that prevent you from eating bananas. You are still advised to exercise for a maximum diet every day to help you lose weight.
