During exercise, the body not only loses a lot of fluids, but also loses energy. To restore the body to normal conditions, you need to eat foods with proper nutrition after exercise.
Good food to eat after exercise is a food that contains protein and carbohydrates. Foods with these ingredients can restore energy and help maintain body metabolism.
High-nutrient carbohydrate sources can be obtained from bananas and potatoes. Bananas are a natural source of energy food rich in carbohydrates and easily digested body.
While the potatoes contain carbohydrates that can easily be burned by the body. The carbohydrates present in potatoes are complex carbohydrates, which do not cause excessive blood sugar impulses. Therefore, the carbohydrate content in potatoes and bananas is very good for consumption after exercise.
Meanwhile, consuming enough protein after exercise gives the body an amino acid intake, which is needed to build new muscle tissue. Research shows that eating 20-40 grams of protein can maximize the body's ability to recover after exercise. Consumption of carbohydrates and proteins simultaneously can also maximize protein synthesis and glycogen.
According to dr.Nitish Basant Adnani BMedSc, one of the best sources of protein that can be consumed after exercise is the egg. Eggs contain many nutrients, including proteins, which the body needs after exercising.
An egg contains about 6 grams of protein, which accounts for about 15 percent of the recommended daily intake of protein. Eggs are also a good source of protein because they contain all the amino acids needed for the process of protein metabolism in the body.
The faster the consumption of nutrient-rich foods after exercise, it will be better for the body. A study suggests eating these foods at 30 minutes or an hour after exercise. Meanwhile, according to another study, food consumption two hours after exercise can reduce muscle ability by 50 percent.
So, for those of you who like sports, never leave the intake of nutritious food after exercise. Eat after exercise will replace what is missing from the body and provide the raw materials needed for repair and healing. Remember to always drink water before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration.