7 Tips for Ideal Workout for Parents - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

7 Tips for Ideal Workout for Parents

A misconception that elderly parents just need to enjoy life by relaxing. As one gets older, the organs of the body will definitely decrease. However, the process of decline in organ function can be controlled. Decrease can occur quickly or slowly depending on the person's lifestyle and the intake of food consumed.

A study says that the lifestyle that is too relaxed, mostly done by elderly parents actually increases the risk of death from heart disease, this is due to weakening of the heart muscle function due to lack of physical activity. Therefore, those who are elderly should still be encouraged and encouraged to do physical activity, especially exercising in order to keep his life quality.

Sports devoted to parents vary in levels and their intensity with sports done by young people, therefore choosing the right sport for them must be done so as to avoid injury.

To support parents when going to sports and activities, adult diapers are highly recommended for use at any time. Because in addition to helping parents hold urination or commonly called urine incontinence disease that is sometimes experienced by parents, adult diapers also help launch daily activities without fearing back and forth toilet.

Here are some sports that are recommended for those who are elderly, including:

  • Gymnastics
Different types of exercise can be performed by elderly people, but the type of heart gymnastics is highly recommended for them. Movements that exist in the gymnastic session should be tailored to their age, fast and dynamic movements are strongly discouraged.

  • On foot
Invite your elderly father, mother, grandparents or uncles and aunts to participate in a healthy walk. Make sure that they are still able to do it, choose a route that is not too far away and a flat road, avoid the road uphill. Walking activities can help strengthen the muscles of the body, improve bone mass, strengthen their heart and lungs, if done regularly.

  • Weightlifting
Do not imagine they were told to lift a heavy barbell of weight. Weight lifting intended for parents may be just as heavy as a medium-size mineral water bottle. This exercise is useful to keep exercising the strength of the muscles of their hands.

  • Swim
Exercise swimming is very minimal cause injury due to physical collision, therefore this sport is highly recommended to be done by the elderly. Swimming exercise in addition to strengthening the muscles of the body can also train the strength of heart muscle and their lungs.

  • Balance exercise
No one can prevent the aging process of the body, when the body begins to age often followed by a decrease in one's motor function. Motor function is related to one's equilibrium motion. Invite your elderly family to practice balance, one way is to stand by using one leg in turn. Do this activity regularly every morning and undoubtedly their motor function will be maintained.

  • Gardening and Breeding
On average, elderly people are very fond of these activities, with gardening and livestock activities proven to be able to reduce their stress levels and train their memory and concentration.

  • Yoga or breathing exercises
Yoga exercises for the elderly are only breathing and stretching. When someone does this activity they can train themselves to always feel calm and happy in living life in old age. Basically all activities that can sweat and burn calories can be categorized as a sport, such as: washing dishes, mopping floors, washing cars, etc.

Thus the various types of sports that are suitable to be done by the parent group. Despite having reached the age of twilight, the opportunity to remain active and healthy can still be had with the appropriate sports option. Therefore for the convenience of activity, recommend the use of adult diapers in your parents.

source: klikdokter.com