Sports Mistakes That You Often Do - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sports Mistakes That You Often Do

You often exercise? If yes, congratulations, because exercise proves to be very beneficial to maintain your health. But do not be happy. Without realizing it, you may have made some mistakes during exercise that could have a negative impact on your body.

Here are 3 mistakes you may often make during a sport:

1. Not warming up and stretching

Stretching muscles before exercise is recommended. But before stretching, there is one routine that is often left behind, namely warming up or warming up. Though warming aims to increase heart rate and accelerate blood circulation so that the body is ready to exercise.

Warming up enough done with a casual jog, jump rope, or small jump for 5-10 minutes. After the warm up, you can just stretch for the muscles become more flexible.

By warming up and stretching properly, you can reduce the risk of injury that may occur when exercising.

2. Using clothes that are too thick

You may have seen people around doing jogging using jackets, long clothes, hats, and trousers. The purpose of the display is perhaps to be able to sweat faster and more, so that more burnt fat. Though it is not appropriate.

The sweat that comes out is not a sign of burning fat. but the regulation of the body to regulate the increase in body temperature. Wearing clothes that are too thick when exercising it can be dangerous for you.

Increased rapid body temperature and excessive body fluid (sweat) can cause dehydration and heat exhaustion. If not addressed properly, both of these conditions can be life-threatening.

3. Excessive exercise

Excessive exercise without adequate rest can increase muscle damage and injury to the joints. In fact, the muscles also require rest time for growth and recovery process after the sport can run perfectly.

For example, for long-distance runners, when not resting after a run, the chances of injury to the muscles and tendons will increase significantly.

Now, you already know that not warming up and stretching, using clothes that are too thick, and excessive exercise is a mistake during sports. All three can be fatal. So do not make the same mistake, yes.