This is the Benefit of Pineapples for Your Health - The Ceilings

Thursday, October 19, 2017

This is the Benefit of Pineapples for Your Health

Pineapple is one type of fruit that is often associated with certain myths, such as triggers of abdominal pain, vaginal discharge until miscarriage. The myth that circulated it then made many people who finally re-think and even avoid the consumption of pineapple. In fact, the benefits of pineapple with various content is very useful for your health.

According to dr. Nitish Basant Adnani BMedSc pineapple has a lot of nutrients and vitamins that the body needs. Pineapple also contains fiber and low fat.

In each pineapple contain vitamin B1 that can help maintain heart health and nervous system, vitamin B6 that can overcome anemia and vitamin C that help strengthen the immune system and function as an antioxidant that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Pineapple contains copper (cuprum) which plays an important role in the growth process, hair and eye health. In addition, pineapple contains manganese which is useful for maintaining bone health.

Eating pineapple is also good for your digestive system. Because pineapple contains bromelin which is a proteolytic enzyme, usually found in the stem and pineapple fruit. This enzyme works to soften food and break down proteins in the stomach, thus helping your body more easily to digest and absorb nutrients in food.

Eating a piece of pineapple after eating can help the body's overall digestive system, such as reducing gas production, preventing bloating, nausea, constipation, and colon problems.

Bromelin is also powerful to reduce pain and swelling due to injury or surgery, reduce arthritis, heal burns, improve lung function in people with respiratory tract infections and others.

Although promising many benefits, you still have to limit your intake of pineapple in one day. Because most of the calories in pineapple comes from sugar, which can be dangerous for gestational diabetes.

Pineapple and Pregnancy

Most people believe that pineapple fruit is the trigger of miscarriage. But it has not been scientifically proven. Eating pineapple within reasonable limits may even help you to spend your pregnancy.

With a low fat content and also contains lots of fiber, pineapple can help overcome constipation, which is a symptom that is often complained during pregnancy. While vitamin B6 in pineapple can also help relieve symptoms of morning sickness.

Then how safe is the limit of eating pineapple during pregnancy?

According to dr. Fiona Amelia MPH, bromelain content in pineapple can soften and trigger uterine contractions. In theory, this condition can cause a miscarriage. But from the research found that the new effect will occur when a woman consumes 7 pineapple fruit in a day.

Well, after knowing the facts about pineapple benefits for your health, do not avoid pineapples anymore for no apparent reason. For those of you who are in pregnancy, limit the consumption of pineapple to avoid the threat of miscarriage.