Be Careful, Less Fiber Can Bring Illness - The Ceilings

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Be Careful, Less Fiber Can Bring Illness

Ensuring the body receives sufficient fiber intake through the consumption of fibrous foods or fiber supplements is essential. Therefore, a person who is less fiber tends to have a low immune system so it becomes easy to get sick.

About 70% of the cells that make up the immune system are in the digestive tract. In order for the immune system and digestive system to work properly, make sure that the fiber requirements are met well.

The Risk of Illness When Less Fiber

Although sounds trivial, fiber seems to have an important role related to health. Not only has an impact on the immune system alone, a lack of fiber intake can also lead to several types of complaints and diseases such as:

  • Constipation
Symptoms of constipation characterized by hard stools, dry, and difficult bowel movements. If you experience this and less than three bowel movements within a week, you may experience constipation. Consumption of foods high in fiber, accompanied by exercise and drink enough water, to defecate back smoothly.

  • Unstable blood sugar
Needs of fibers that are not met well may cause diabetics difficult to control blood sugar. However, diabetics should consult a doctor before changing the type of food or diet.

  • Weight gain
Fiber will help meet satiety. Less fiber in the food consumed can make a person eat more than the body needs.

  • Easily tired
Consumption of foods high in protein without offset by adequate fiber consumption, can make you feel tired and nauseated.

  • Increased cholesterol levels
Fiber can reduce the absorption of excess cholesterol in the gut, so the body then throw it away. Lack of fiber is likely to increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

  • Heart disease
A number of studies reveal, someone who ate foods rich in fiber tend to have a lower risk of coronary heart disease.

  • Long-term complications of diabetes
For people with diabetes, consumption of foods rich in fiber content not only able to control blood sugar levels, but also can prevent diabetes complications in the long term. In someone who does not have diabetes, eating foods high in fiber can prevent this disease.

Levels of Fiber Needed Every Day

There is a difference in fiber requirement between women and men. In men, at least the fiber needs to be met ranged from 30-38 grams a day. While women whose age ranges between 18 - 50 years, the need for fiber per day is about 25 grams. Unfortunately, these fiber needs are often not met well. The average fiber consumption is only about 15 grams of fiber per day.

Well, for fiber needs can be met, you are advised to eat foods high in fiber. Like various types of nuts, peas, whole wheat flour, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, corn, and long beans. In addition, consumption of fiber-rich fruit such as pears, strawberries, oranges, mangoes, bananas, and apples.

Add fiber in the daily diet gradually, to avoid bloating or diarrhea. You can add fiber by adding nuts or flaxseed to salad or yogurt. Replace your snack with fresh legumes or vegetables. Choose fruit that is consumed with the seeds for extra fiber intake.

Not just eating fiber foods alone, fiber supplements may also be an option. A fiber supplement may be a liquid extract, capsule, powder, or chew-able tablet. Various herbal treatment options are also offered to provide the benefits of fiber for the body. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to use supplements or herbal remedies as needed.
