Here's How to Stop Smoking Habit - The Ceilings

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Here's How to Stop Smoking Habit

Already many warnings about the dangers of smoking. Not only harm yourself, smoking can also affect the health of others with harmful substances contained in it.

Smoking can be a risk factor for various health conditions, including heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. Although this habit is often associated with these diseases, the number of smokers in Indonesia is still quite a lot.

Stopping smoking can be difficult to do, but with the intention and willingness to quit in smokers, this can be achieved.

Here are some ways you can apply to stop smoking:

  • Commit to quitting smoking
The first thing that is important to do is motivate yourself to quit smoking.

You can write down various reasons for quitting, such as maintaining health, preventing illness, saving funds used to buy cigarettes for other purposes, and so on.

Then, paste the note in a visible place. This will increase your commitment to quit smoking.

  • Nicotine replacement therapy
One way to get rid of smoking is with nicotine replacement therapy, which is available in patches, inhalers, or sprays. With this, you can slowly reduce the use of replacement therapy until finally free from the effects of nicotine.

  • Behavioral therapy
In addition to self-intent, behavioral therapy performed with a doctor or counselor may also help to prevent you from returning to smoking.

Doctors or counselors can suggest various activities that can be done. For example, if you previously smoked to relieve stress or get inspired, it can be replaced with exercise, casual walking, or listening to music.

  • Treatment
If you feel that smoking habits are very difficult to avoid with the strategies that have been applied, doctors can also provide certain medications to help you.

Smoking habits are difficult to stop, but with strong intentions and commitment, it is certainly easier for you to do.

Family members and friends also play an important role in helping you escape from smoking. This can be supported with a balanced intake of vegetables and fruits.

Taking supplements is also important if you want to stop smoking. Especially supplements containing cordyceps, such as those present in H2 Cordyceps Militaris.

Cordyceps can help the function of the heart and respiratory tract circulation, while maintaining endurance. You will always be energized and will not limp after quitting smoking.
