The brain is a very complex organ and functions in managing all the processes in the body. However, many people do not realize that there are daily habits that can harm brain health. Here are the habits that can damage your brain.
1. No breakfast
Breakfast is important because it can affect one's endurance and emotionality. Even according to dr. Karin Wiradarma, based on various studies, children who regularly have breakfast concentration, memory, stamina, and better math values than children who rarely breakfast.
Well, if you do not breakfast, the body will use backup energy and must make extra effort to maintain its function properly. No breakfast can cause a lack of energy, loss of concentration, poor mood, and decreased physical and intellectual performance.
2. Smoking
Smoking has been shown to trigger neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, as well as interfere with DNA reproduction that eventually leads to cancer cells.
In addition, smoking can reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen, but toxic substances in cigarette smoke can interfere with the processing of oxygen to the cells, reducing the brain's work.
3. Lack of sleep
In order for the brain to work optimally, the brain takes about 8 hours of rest. With enough rest, the metabolism process will occur to its full potential and ultimately can generate a lot of energy.
Reducing sleep time can speed up cell death in the brain and keep you tired all day long.
4. Too much to eat
Eating lots of foods that are not needed by the body can cause the accumulation of residual substances in the form of fat and hardening of the cerebral arteries.
Cerebral artery is a branch of the left and right carotid arteries that are assigned to provide blood to the frontal part of the brain, which controls behavior and mind.
5. Consumption of alcohol
Alcoholic drinks can damage important organs in the body, especially the nervous system, liver, and heart. In addition, alcohol can also affect the chemical reactions that occur in the brain.
Frequent consumption of alcohol results in killing neurons and decreased transmission speed of nerve impulses.
6. Working when sick
Forcing the brain to work when ill can reduce the body's healing process. It also simultaneously weakens the immune system and facilitates the emergence of more types of diseases.
7. Closing your head while sleeping
Sleeping with a closed head can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide and reduce the amount of oxygen in the brain. This habit can certainly harm the brain.
Well, those are some habits that can damage your brain. Do not forget to include vegetables and fruits in the daily menu to stimulate brain activity. Consumption of fish rich in omega-3 is also important because it can improve communication antarneuron in the brain.