Stacking work, messy eating patterns, eating indiscriminate food, reduced exercise, and decreased sleep quality are some of the factors that make the body tired. If the body is tired, productivity in the office will certainly plummet.
The best way to deal with these conditions is to get additional energy. Here are some foods that can help boost energy throughout the day.
1. Fruits and vegetables
Fresh foods like fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. Fresh food also contains more nutrients than processed foods. For fruit, you can eat it in the morning instead of breakfast. Because, according to dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti, fruit is a ready source of energy.
One good fruit for the body is a banana. A study comparing the efficacy of bananas and energy drinks to cyclists. The researchers found, bananas provide more energy to cyclists. Bananas contain potassium, fiber, vitamins, and high amounts of carbohydrates. The body will get an injection of energy while eating bananas.
2. Caffeinated beverages
When drunk at the right time, caffeinated drinks such as coffee can provide many benefits to the body. One of the benefits of coffee that can increase concentration. According to dr. Resthie Rachmanta Putri. M.Epid, the best time to drink coffee is around 9:30 to 11:30, 14:00 to 16:00, or at night.
You just need to avoid drinking coffee in the morning, because caffeine in coffee can interfere with the production of hormone cortisol (role as mood booster) in the body.
3. Foods contain protein
If energy requirements can not be met by carbohydrates and fats, proteins can serve as an energy source. Food sources of protein such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, and nuts.
4. White water
According to dr. Alvin Nursalim, drinking water before bed can restore the lost energy after a full day of activity. Thus, you will wake up with full energy and ready to undergo routine again.
So, those are some foods that can help overcome fatigue complaints. In order for your body to get the optimal energy, you can consume some food and beverages on top, accompanied by exercise and adequate sleep.