This Home Activity Can Prevent Wrinkles - The Ceilings

Monday, November 6, 2017

This Home Activity Can Prevent Wrinkles

As we get older, the skin naturally gets aged. One sign is wrinkles arise.

But sometimes, unwanted wrinkles have appeared at a young age. Let's prevent it with this home-based activity:

  • Sleeping on your back
Sleeping position can cause wrinkles, you know! American Academy of Dermatology states, sleeping with a certain position can cause unwanted wrinkles in certain areas.

For example, prone sleep can make wrinkles more easily arise in the area of the forehead. So, try to always sleep in a supine position.

  • Use eye area special creams
Do not wait for your 40s to use eye cream! Just so you know, wrinkles often appear first in the eye area, at a young age as well. This is because this skin area tends to be thinner than other skin areas.

You can start using a special eye cream in your 20s.

  • Take care of the face with the right steps
Sometimes, after a day outdoors, you immediately fall asleep without cleaning the makeup on the face. Though this habit can make wrinkles and acne more easily arise.

Do not forget to use a moisturizer after cleaning your face. Dry skin will make wrinkles more easily arise.

  • A healthy diet
Diet is very influential in maintaining skin health from within. Make sure your diet consists of high fiber, low in saturated fat, and rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Do not forget also to drink enough water, because dehydrated skin will be prone to wrinkles faster.

To prevent wrinkles, start from yourself and the habits you do everyday at home. Let's apply from now and do not wait until old age!
